Show PERSHING VISITS SUMMER C CAMPS PS S WASHINGTON July Gon 23 23 Gon Gon- Gon eral ral Pershing left Washington Sun Sun- Sunday Sun Sunday day night on a swing swine around the tho summer training camp circle Ho Ha raced five weeks of travel at a 1 p ce that allows him little rest I I he only break In his journey will willbo willbo ho bo th three co days on horseback In the tho mountains mountain of Montana to keep koep himself physically fit tit He returns to Washington August 6 26 Among Amone other places place ho will viSit viSita visita-c visita a ac e Los San Diego Diero Mon Mon- Monterey Mon terey terey San Seattle S attle Chey- Chey Cheyenne Cheyenne Chey Cheyenne enne Wyo Denver Denvor and Neb |