Show A MOST PECULIAR REPUBLICAN GROUP With Magnus Johnson elected U 11 US S senator in Minnesota the Republican lican majority in tho the upper house of f congress is reduced to five But Butto Butto Butlo to obtain that margin of o five live there must bo counted LaFollette Brookhart Frazier Frailer Ladd Norris torah Dorah and Johnson Johnsoa who are known I tF as Independents As a matter of I fact lct the balance balanco ot of power has passed Into the hands of or the LaPel LaPel- LaFollette lette lette forces That LaFollette LaFollete has c ceased ceased ased to be bea bea boa a Republican except in name is Flade made apparent by the declaration ot of the Wisconsin statesman In con section con with the tile election of ot Mag- Mag Magma rus Mag-rus rus ma Johnson Reviewing the back ot of Johnsons Johnson's success LaFollette said sald Partisan politicians poh and their press cannot long deceive them them- themselves themselves themselves selves concerning the fundamental movement among the people The people are awake awake The old party slogans logans do Dot not them They are r not to be misled by the ridicule and abuse which has been directed at their leaders They have learn learn- le learned learned rn ed to know the real leal enemies ot of thir political and economic liberty In Minnesota Monday they tired fired fireda a shot which will be heard beard in every section ot of the country Emancipation of ot the people from monopoly control Is still oWl mi the tho dominant Issue It will be bethe bethe bethe the one paramount issue until the are treed freed from Irona that control The power which has been built bunt up In defiance of ot law and with the cUvo aid ot of the government at Washington is 18 doomed when a ma ma- majority majority majority of ot the people as In Minne Minna- Minnesota sota bOta take the control of ot their own go gos I firmly believe that the prin prin- principles prin- prin principles principles which have now won the support t ot of the northwest will ulti ulti- ultimately ulti- ulti ultimately ultimately obtain the same came overwhelm overwhelm- overwhelmIng overwhelming ing sag approval in every section ot of the countr where the issue is identically identically cally the same That Tha Tha approval ma macome come within a year or it may b be I cd ed for a short time in my ray be- be I I lIe hot It is difficult to reconcile LaFollette's LaFollette's lettes lette's public utterances with his professed proCessed Republicanism Why he continues to claim to be a Republican hears hean while accusing the adminis adminis- administration tra on ot of o being under the dour domi dominance nance Tance of ot monopoly is not made plain n It must be said though to LaPel LaFollette's lettes lette's lottes lotte's credit that the Wisconsin nan Ian has been consistent In his Us op- op opOl op op petition Ol to monopoly Twenty years years ago Bob LaFollette address an audience In tho the old academy He ic commenced his IDS talk dt at 8 o'clock in 10 the evening His subject was the interlocking directorates s which controlled the busi busi- business business ness ol or the country and center centered d dIn in the Standard O Oil group He In- In riled fled questions and be he and his remained until 3 o'clock the next morning discussing Stead Stand Standard Standard arch ard Oil abuses monopolies anti and wrongs TOngS Since then Senator LaFollette's LaFollette's lottes lotte's one big theme has been the crimes of ot big business |