Show YANKEES AGAIN TAKE LEAD CARDINALS DOWN lElUC G T W L I Pet cl Ne York 66 6 41 I 54 4 41 63 ton 51 42 56 St BI Louis Lollis Loul 46 4 H 47 49 h Ics go o 45 60 50 4 j 5 Cleeland U 42 61 51 Cle 43 n 52 Philadelphia 39 56 T n Hc At Al lime game New NewYork NewYork York S 8 Chigo 3 3 second game gamo New York 12 ChIcago 10 StLouis At St Louls Louis po ton on 10 St Louis 5 At Detroit 7 Do- Do De Detroit troit 4 At Cleveland Wa 1 eland 2 ys Sch Schedule New York York- at al Chicago Rolon At St Loul Louis l t lit at at ot Cleveland Cle CHICAGO Juh 29 New Xe N-c N York cent ent back Into first Phee plic In th the therlo Ioe eloe American Amerlean finis tue pennant race bv by bout hodi Ime gme oft of ot header t from Chicago by bv scores of S 8 to 3 and 12 to 10 re- re ap tI while Detroit Baa as be bet en beit-en en bv by Faber pitched ft a good game cams amB In Inthe inthe Inthe the open opener r but hl his bad base hall behind him to hit In the pinch and loosely Tim The second en- en en ns ns pra practically ly lIca in inthe Inthe Inthe the fir t inning when nhen the Yanks hit the he of or Leo Man the former star to nil all orner of o the lot and dro c ro e him hint fort for on tho moun mound H- H l Hibe be Ruth came UP with Ith I e Cven ro 01 on the hIll hili hIlland hilland nn and cracked out lIt hie hi homer of f the nea on T Two To men on bno bai ba it tt the he time Co plu i d along the retirement of ot In Iii the tho l Inning and d In the hard d ard eighth hit Sha Shakey Shaw key forcing him to retire Jones retired the side Pen p e first firt mt K It IT E 1 New York it S 12 1 3 8 3 2 hush Buah and nd 1 ber Lyon Ivon and Schall Schalk second ond game tame n fl 11 IT G w York I 12 2 17 0 o 10 16 K 0 81 0 Je Tones Host Hoit and Hotmann Hofmann Man Inn Manum um m rO and S lk hl Crouse ST LOUIS JOUIS Juh July 29 Robert Roberton Roberton Robert Robert- on sons on s doubt double In 11 the ninth Inning the I 1 he ho score for tor the Bro Broom Bron n but the Boston Doton Rod c o oc came cam ome hack Hh a n ru i In the tenth Inning game came 10 to S 5 Urban pitched d almot air air- airtight aIrtight air airtight tight bill In the first 1 Ix Inning but en cn weakened d In the seventh se al- al at al 10 fIto lie hiti for or three runs 1 Manager lanag J r Stale announced d he protect the th game iama be aue Ump e 0 Owen Oten en rull ruled that Rego o Res should pro cede McMillan In the batting order In the ninth which the Drowns Dro manager d declared 10 Io the rules rule n 1 had run for tor Se Se In the eighth elS remain remain- remainIng Inc Ing in the cam at S Score oro R n II H E B Doton 10 13 1St 1St 1 1St St St Loui Loul i 5 15 0 Ten innIng Piercy Quinn Per Per- Ku Fer guon on and Shocker Grant Lyons Lon Bayn Bayne and Se Se flego I July 29 Bishops Bishop's single after atter B had bad and been to second and mar Lamar s a run home-run In the th Inning sale gase Philadelphia three crun ru rune ns for tor or a a to 7 7 to 4 victory over oer Do- Do De Detroit II troit here Mondy Philadelphia tied the tb score core In tho eighth when tour hits Lamars Lamar's double counted for tor thru I lull Score R It H D B Philadelphia 7 li 16 1 Detroit 4 9 3 0 Eleven EIven Innings Inning Rommel and Wells ells bloner and Ba ler 1 CLEVELAND D July 23 21 2 Cleu Clese land e land made mad It t tu two 0 out of o three thre from Ya Washington Monday when hen IcAe Cleyo- Cleyo Cl land o land winning 2 to 1 Speaker cored in the th first lr t In- In Inning In ning on hi triple and steal of home Lutzk s single 0 and nil Sum Sum- Summa Sum ma Ina s triple accounted for tor or the th other sum sum-I run Washington ton o failed ailed to score cor until th the eIghth when hn Peek walked Pinch Hitter r Matthews I doubled and Rice Ric beat out an In- In infield In Infield field hit Score Score- n 11 if 11 E Washington WI 1 6 S 1 Cleveland I 2 7 0 flatteries Russell and Ruel Co and L LSen SO ell n- n X TIO N TIO TIOMi Mi tL I LC UJ W 1 L Pet pct New Neu York GO 00 32 3 Chicago Pl 53 39 t 49 41 SH Brooklin Brookin Cincinnati 50 H 44 Cincinnati 49 48 St SI Loul 39 55 Philadelphia Bo 38 64 54 Boston ROllon ton 34 59 1 t lt lil vs v's T Jt H I At Chicago Chicago 11 Philadelphia hla 12 At lyn Cincinnati 3 2 Brooklyn 2 At t Doston Boston burg 5 Boston 2 S At New York York-St York St Louts Louis 6 t New NewYork NewYork NewYork York 0 rOla S 'S at lit Boton oston at ot n Chicago at lit Philadelphia St Louts Loula Loul nt at N New w York NEW YORK July 23 29 The Tho Th Sf St Louis evened their series erle with New York Monday Y th tIn tou th game of the serIes erle 6 tto to 0 o Allin Is only th the see see- sec second On ond l pitcher to 10 shut hilt hut out the this season Don hit a 11 home home- run home run oft off Maun Iaun with aith two tso men imen on base o In he h eighth inning Inn In S Soie ole n 17 H 1 E B ESt St Louis Lotus 6 G 13 1 Ness Toik ft 0 fi 6 1 Batteries BaUre Sothoron and Oon- Oon Con on zale zales I dole Ct Maun and Sn II BROOKLYN JulY 29 ACt After r Osborne lied had allowed l three o runs r in inon on n a n a fly ind md nd five passes sc a with Ith t two tao 0 out In the fIrst lr Rube nube Ehrhardt t horn dom om L keland PIe Fin made hi his debut here and shut shutout shutout out the tte Reds lIh three hit hits dur dur- durIng dur- dur during during ing Ihl I he remainder of ot th game am The three thre runs store scored 1 off otC Osborne w svere re sufficient ol for tor or Cincinnati to v-tn v Score R n IT H E B Cincinnati 3 4 A fl 2 j 7 0 Battele Donohu Donohue and In SIn rn ln-rn Pu 00 Oborn Osborne Ehrhardt and De- De Deberry berry De-berry berry BOSTON July Juh 2 23 20 PItcher Yd Tile ot of Pittsburg held bel 1 Poston Loston to seven even hits Monchy wo woi WOt bl his stifle eime 3 S to 2 end and nd ian his string ot of- 0 ht vie vie- vic victories toro tories to 10 seven even running liv hv nigh In d ep d p left lett prevented nt at lee Irn I tan Inn n Boston Boon run runs from The Pleats Pirat's made five lv double pIa plas s Score OTO Jl n H G B t 6 10 2 B Boston lon 2 7 3 Yde Yle and E IJ Smith ln and ond 0 Nell PHILADELPHIA July Juh 23 29 2 The Cubs Cube lost loot a bard hard contest to Phil Monday b the s score ore or Of 0 12 to 11 Doth Both teams four our pitchers and all 1111 ere hit freely tr elv The Til Cubs lend lead I nd of two tuo run runas runs rum as aa out bv by with aith a n home home- run home run Into the bleachers bleacher In the firth fIfth a lIb Rh two t on Score n 11 n It G B Chicago o 11 16 15 2 Ph 12 13 4 Jacobs Bush Blike and Hartnett Hartnell Hub Hub- Hubbell Hub bell bell Belts Delts Glaner Gla ner Crlson and ami Wilson ot oc |