Show Plays Well Says Critic By George Zino one of the world's greatest provided the best single performance of the symphony season Friday The mellow tone of his Stradivarius flowed through the Beethoven Violin Concerto with clarity in even the most difficult Maestro Abravanel and the orchestra were at their best in their support of the played so gracefully that he made the concerto look yet the cadenza in the first for demonstrated an almost impossible degree of technical skill and evoked applause at the end of the movement from audience and orchestra The soloist played the second movement at a slower pace than it is usually yet his interpretation lent only richness of quality to the In the third his he resumed the standard fast speed of the movement in a brilliant and exciting Schubert's fast-moving to started the concert in a happy The almost oriental beauty of Ravel's Goose transporting the audience to a delightful world of make believe THE MUSIC in the Ravel selection was well-suited to the Ethereal music described the Sleeping My had a gentle and pretty lilt to and oriental music with impressive clangs of the cymbals brought to mind real In Debussy's the rhythm and excitement of the the night fragrance hanging suspended in and the gayety and festivities of the following morning were all well Unfortunately the might lasted too |