Show one of the wealthiest men in that state was at the head of the institution that closed abts doors today topeka kan july 3 the first rational Kat ional bank of topeka of which C J devlin held the major portion of the stock failed to open its doors this morning the government officials are making an examination of the tanks affairs today but will give out no statement three or four hundred depositors were in line at 9 thera has also been a slight run on the central national bank of which mr devlin owns a large number of shares on the door of the first national bank appears this notice this bank is closed by my order the comptroller of the currency has been communicated with and will send an examiner who will make a statement signed W H gossington bossington BOS vice president cash to the amount of was deposited in the central national to offset the run G W gleed said today that over worth of real estate unencumbered topeka property and lands in southeast kansas had been turned in by mr devlin also in life insurance mr gleco says the central national is perfectly solvent in the closed bank kansas has over in deposits the city of topeka and the county of shawnee about DEVLIN SUPPOSED TO BE RICH kansas city mo july 3 C J devun was generally credited with being one ol 01 the wealthiest men la kansas he was at aba head of twenty different mining enterprises terp rises and mercantile establishments and for many years has been one of the most active business men in the southwest on friday morning it was announced that because of allness uie result 0 overwork it was decided to form a corporation to cover all his proper in the aggregate it was stated about seven million dollars this action was deemed necessary it was announced because ot mr devlins inability to longer direct his interests te on saturday a corporation known IES the devlan mining mercantile manufacturing company was organized at kansas city by mr devlins business associates the capital stock of the company was placed at ons million dollars divided into shares of each already subscribed and paid the shareholders all the men being prominent in southwestern balsness buls ness affairs were givan out as follows landrum B ridge kansas city shares J W gleed attorney for the central national bank of topeka 1 share charles A loomis of the city national bank of kansas city 1 share clifford histed kansas city attorney for mr and mrs dav alln 1 share 0 J lantry strong city kansas a director of the first national bank of topeka 1 share As soon as the corporation papers wre drawn up a special train was hired and the documents were hurried to jefferson city where they were tastily filed with the secretary of state yesterday a conference of chicago kansas city and topaha bankers interested te rested in mr devlins affairs was held at kansas city conference lasted several hours and at its close late last night it was announced that the question of raising a large sum of money needed by the holding company to keep the devlin going was discussed today it developed that several hundred thousand dollars had been telegraphed to topeka to offset an anticipated run on topeka banks in which devlan holds stock the lol lowing banks were represented at the conference the corn exchange bank of chicago the continental national bank of chicago the central trust company of chicago american national bank of kansas city the city na dional bank of kansas city the cental national bank of topeka and the first national bank of topeka lr devlins wealth Is largely in coal mining properties in southern kansas in the vicinity of marceline mo and in illinois these properties includes the following mount carmel coal mines toluca coal mines the marquette elte vein dimes the devlan coal company tho coal company the crawford county mining company the pittsburg and midway coal company the kansas city coal and boko company the southwestern fuel company the alley coal company and the marceline coal company mr devlan also owns a number of large coal yards in kansas city he is a stockholder in twenty five banks his bank stock it is estimated amounting probably to another property owned by mr dev alln Is toluca marquette and northern railroad a coal carrying line 42 miles long which connects with the large adada in kansas charles S gleco of topeka general manager of the missouri telephone J company and for many years a business associate of mr devlan says air devlins assets amount to about and bis abilities do not exceed these liabilities are the debts of the different companies he controls his personal abilities are practically nothing hi largest personal liability probably 18 the premium on his life policies which amount to a year as he carried about a million and a halt of dollars in life insurance mr devlan was born at st louia 54 years ago he was in the coal business in southern illinois for a short time and at different times bad the management of coal properties of the atchison topeka and santa pe railway and the great northern road APOPLEXY CAUSED FAILURE chicago july 3 the whole trouble involving both mr devlins affairs and those of the first national bank of topeka came as a result of an attack of apoplexy two weeks ago which rendered mr devlan incapable of transacting business at mr devlins chicago headquarters no person was present to speak for him the offices were locked at the corn exchange bank here it was sal that the first national bank of topeka carried a comparatively small account with the corn exchange bank and that beyond regret of the failure there was no particular interest felt in the affair REPORT OF BANKS CONDITION topeka kan july 3 the aport of the condition of the first national bank at topeka in the S cate of kansas at tbt close of business may 1905 showed resources and liabilities bili ties amounting to individual deposits subject to check were and demand certificates of deposit |