Show showing their 0 in boulanger tampering with the military iiii 18 HEAD at a large K in the city of abing TO SHE CAUL john ediht Eti ht son hii father in parliament betted alit Cladi Caoili dale BT iress to THE emms roll af olti Thron sli ali connary Con ilaf lions tor mem bere of local councils were held throughout franco today to day and boul pangiata beirod the occasion lo 10 demonstrate hie strength of leailur at clarenton charenton Ch arenton jie nerol boulanger Bou lauger headed the poll with 2457 votes anil at Sainto foy he to S idt it april 15 the liquidators liquida tors of lie panama canal company liae informed shareholders of that concern eliat flioy eliat a reissue re issue 0 unsold lottery bonds 0 the company under par would realdo francs anil save the canal but thu government is reluctant ti propone such a luea auro fearing that parliament would not consent to its adoption TUB lottery LOT TEBy alie panama canal lottery drawing took place today to day ami the company drew the first arizo i at a april at at a binquet at versailles today to day daguerre read ie Boul angera speech he the doings of the present blow with the daini ollae ot 1789 and said that on alie anniversary anni versay the reforms then instituted must bo completed laguerre and ft ere arrested on leading alio they protested on hie ground ol 01 alie 0 members ut ber of deputies and wore released LONDON april 15 patrick Sl alloy u ho 01 summoned ai a witness fur the Timet vloro atio colmia bion but ulio upon examination ravo evidence at variance villi the state lie biad mado to the tunes counsel before ho was placed on the witness who was placed on trial on a charge that he ihu examination aas convicted it day alie sentence bebok six at hard labor baisl be citak alit april I 1 i alie it itte sas ayn as disbursing allicer af the american to alm samoan conference together knitli alie of bates as a member of alie ion warrants alie supposition that alie washington government daoa not desire a friendly settlement ot the question concerning april 15 the rout pays the lamoan will on the firby of next the gernian delegates are II erbert Uia marck and dr krauel privy councillor 0 the If Kation of the oll ice count herbert bismarck ill preside yr eside sir adward 11 dialot lt eador att herlin ull represent england an amicable april 15 the tie argrijo Ari rijo minister oHo reign has prepare a reply to a communication recently addressed addi essed to tho pani sli government by he american of state in it alie minister express a desire to draw closer tho bonda of friendship frienda hip uniting spain and the united states atti then antio IN tio aaril IR jolin allert bright of alia liberal unionists was today to day ole tod to nc aeed ins fillice filli cr alio lao john ian cht as of the central dai brict of in parliament bright rote ived votes against for alie nominee lah HOUE april 15 alie pope messed the palms in the chapel of the vatican yesterday tu liay ho waa slightly and was unable to pile the household lousier it is blut hia liol mess at servalo in alie pauline clidel cli ael on thursday sot 11 lai as pearn april 15 the emperor francis wd the elizabeth started fur ischa last night it is denied thu 0 the ia na bad oa ro ported the denial Is doubted april 15 alio says a 0 documents proving that bout inger tampered lie las been submitted to alie M of military nien is imminent aitay april ii alie hungarian patriot who is now at turin and bis life is despaired of lellin Lt llin W LOMU april 15 alia parnell action in the irish courts tho will be cancelled |