Show COUGH and Conni imp ton cure ia sold by ug on a naran tec it cures consumption I 1 oi bale by F s 10 gin when aji es e i i phiip phi ic try bt li cirica rica pi n bor sale by win I 1 nver A WILL YOU with dyspepsia and liver complaint is guaranteed to cure you for sale by F B hurlbut main st sla am many persona contract severe colds during the early winter months and permit them to bans on persistently all weakening the lungs and paving the v ay fur catarrh chronic bronchitis or consumption no one cun afford to neglect a cold A single bottle of chamberlains cough cleme dy still cure lie most bevie cold and but acta for bale by win driver boa and all leading druggists konco there B ill 10 a special hepting of the stockholders of the treasure mining company at J 3 drivers drug store in ogden city on march ath 1889 at 11 a in for alie election of olli cera for tle ensuing ear alpo for the transaction of kotlier business that may lie brought before said meeting all stockholders are requested to be pres eit II 11 H WADMAN president J secy treasurer when you desire a pleasant physic try st patricks lilla for bale by win and all leading druggists i notice to estate of joseph I 1 card deceased decea notice la hereby given by lb of the of joaeph acari LC ari to the creators of and all chatma i deceased to exhibit them milb the within four aitor the fant ol 01 abl notice to the aid administrator at ahli ral dence la borican county the name being the place for the of the of said estate of the itale of joseph I Pece aBed dated at kiy true pity what that thousands of men and women married and single through the effects of YOUTHFUL HABITS or excessive indulgence in later years leave so r undermined their general systems aa to induce every form of disease and the CAUSE of their troubles being scarcely ever suspected they are and DOCTORED for everything but the right one murrays Mur rays specific THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY is offered as a positive TiVE SPEEDY and every known disease having been restored to complete health by its use when all other remedies tailed its recuperative are truly wonderful and la all troubles arising from whether by the excessive uee of tobacco alcoholic stimulants or other causes which ultimately sl iatter and destroy the entire nervous system the continued use for a short time of ML specific changes the languid debilitated condition to one of renewed life and vigor endorse our keenedy very highly prescribing it in all cases of nervous DEBILITY and weakness peculiar to boais more especially HYSTERIA MURRAYS SPECIFIC has been used in europe and america with ous success for over THIRTY TEARS full particulars in pamphlet we mail free to every applicant sold by all druggists at per package six for or will bo sent by mail securely wrapped postage paid on receipt of price we six blei for every VW we bend six bobea with a to rylund the money II 11 our specific duel not effect a cure address all to the sola THE MEDICINE CO city mo la ordea by WM SUN dis ly CHICAGO WA W A S baal its claim t the patronalo patr on the superiority ot ilu line to ww lio mi mn it a triple dail train between council bluffs apo chicago the prominent lea onrea of which are new and luxurious SLEEPING CARS unequalled Unequal led palatial dining cars and DAY COACHES equipped with all alia roost modern and approved appliances for bvm foa and safety THE the altna between tb luver au 1 achl goto 16 Hoar iid corn the bent ideas and rung via TUK on application loony ticket agent or to J H TOUNG traveling passenger agent bait lake city J H C er wilton Ue ulta ag au qa W tra Tr 1 wl P t a L AND glasgow via londonderry liverpool via queenstown Queens town are fard anoni ati larnel and in uia falloon fuL loon cuang cua nl aver auxer ard ta douht or ip ad cofod clata tui kethrn at reduced route for the alia korth aud south of alvers mersey and clyde yie crane 0 anchor lloa oi cli arge feofil atlow drifts oat rutn for book ol 01 boum ticker or lurther information apply to allo ogdan utah to W 0 alio sail from new will york on saturday THE SPRING YOU WANT ies purifies the blood strengthens the nerves stimulates the liver regulates the kidneys and bowels gives life and vigor to every organ there s nothing like it use it how taut wry ladli run down us TOM celery couii anil ai I 1 procured some tit it 1 1 can andly it celery tha uw fit two us most iab marne knib mn inan ionic tonic anil ann nie I 1 i tin in not aimi know fiur tonic und taking it I 1 felt hap now n n i I 1 H L IJ H W A anu 1 cotil its equal W L lam it fc n V N 1 l vt MX borts torts w FOOD taw I 1 uku afu alls till PATENT VESTIL ATEO GARTER ARMSTRONG CO CANAL STREET Fael orji new york bridgeport CONN OP the duples carters ami drw ll merited for alie past eighteen eig hleen yeara has induced amita tora platt un inferior article upon the market if you want the gennine gorai take none without our trade mark which baon all of our bobea jaoin la oin the clasp of every garter V A WALLACE H C TAVEY WALLACE I 1 TAYEY WHOLESALE LACES NOTIONS embroideries handkerchiefs JEWELRY etc etc OG deest UTAH ALSO representing marshal field co wholesale dry goods chicago IN THE PROBATE COURT OF county 0 weber od territory 0 utah la iho mailer of the elat or william bur itlie order to blouw cacno why order af eala should not ba ellia J burditt the administratrix fj the casul of william bardelt Bor delt decease hatling filed her herein duly verified prating for ail order of the real detato 01 eald decedent lor the therein 8 t forth it Is ordered by the judge of calil court HI I 1 persons enla teof deceased deceA fed before bald court on saturday the day 0 farb uary A I 1 W at ten la the of cald dar at the cun of kall cobit at the county court alonse a ogan city count 0 weber KOJ lerr llory of show ciure why au order thoum not be to lie lo 10 sell so much of the as lie aarl at lacast oi a ccok ir four weeke in THE a printed da published in ait oit dea city weber county aud biah territory L W probate judge da ed junry lah oo 00 clerk of the probate cobit lu olid lor the aid county of weber do hereby that the foregoing fait aih correct copy ot the original ow cuke why order 0 tale of real la iho matter of jb dilate of william deceased now oa file kiil ol 01 recoil lu my f baud fald courtat my utah ahli day 0 i january A ala tax anlo territorial school county mhd fo upon abe properly of JJ fullon for the year A to three dollan mail flie romalo 1 hernia beldie collector for elar territory liy virtue n the authority in die by the bomol au act ol 01 ilia assembly ol 01 ibe T ol 01 utah an act to provide for the 0 butth and the several counties thereof approved 7 aud ol 01 the menu fo liate levied the follow property 0 o wit lot alx b block thirty eight 38 plot ally survey utah territory dd will hie or s aa may I 1 e to pay the taxes aal arti m public unction at booro the chumy court laoue the ily 0 amy at oue p m weber county county collector ollace roanay court house city january sh IW ass U tit I 1 half the school county and poor fabra and epou the property til ired for the yer A 13 unpaid I 1 hanim baoan collector for coudie utah territory by 0 the orlly in me by abo pro 0 au act 0 the assem bly ol 01 be territory ol 01 alth aa act to thiv le lor b 0 utah au the tp proved february 22 IMS and 0 the I 1 hereto ate levied property to alt tweety beet by eight IH roda la lot oua 1 l thirty beau alt A acty county etli 1 aad w 11 nIH bome or so much thereof it liay tie to py ad at guillod ill he froat door ol 01 the founty cwi gloub orilea catt ou the ynh day atone 11 p vis collector lat debei Co tinty county county court bedea city issy alca JM ane COURT 1 OF THE ol 01 Terr llory of atah la the inn lei ofalie estate of jolin decent ed pursuant to an order ol 01 uia judge ot bald court made on lh amli day 0 january notice 1 hereby given hint diaries K ittel baa filed in the r the clerk ot said court R represent be ehrl th eald jotin or about abill 21 gold aej ajril to conty to 1 1 and st Q the cast lota wo alij ihrcke oj alio llio u ol 01 lot our in blok tony la 0 0 uit iii irvey oillie teen um 0 fl atio on the payment of emiil BIC rautha 01 elsw on or dittore my id iati he would deliver a nud groi deed of leea ikid prein ufa triine time prior hitsu to ma executed ady ceeil 01 pram libei anat 00 ur prior to ail L rup u I 1 Is 0 I 1 tl tier lo 10 abe flatt national ft ut ib ol 01 alln turn ol 01 ilalio of held br on kalil to be said bank lor john tattoo Ji iury mild 11 taimo L U U kuld their con tract fair of fald lanan to V nelbon rom whom alc ohamed meed on and january ditth lat y pur of athla au order routt aad the of uld join Nuen sou to land to ald poUt louw laid and notice in hereby further alday abe tanty day eleto hit ol 01 ifer rury A U 19 att tou 8 in of aalde alty at ali court room ol 01 aid court at bounty fun rt bouse la emlea the uty baths laths ald of veontha for bid pt aben and any la alio fald ear aad nie written objections detate amy ap as 01 aalde lo 10 the khant and may bo heard nty produce la and meitlon auca tuca cl probate jua W crosa bt auford lace W W t hafid Cleri cDaniel l Coll tOor lly iliin attorney C C gilbert ac larkan Ke corder joiseph Sta 0 EJ ard U ADder aou of the n deft moroni P brown Juill cool the mckay J J joalice of hie peace detlif fit cou stable DB lei 0 the peace rolert G berrett constable anea CT of he 3 CoD bUble alfred K ot tha peace lewis joserh S geddes 0 the peace W H i A ol 01 the peace couable Cout ble juha J justice of the simon V constable caleb justice ot the peace Sh eruti constable jarac of the lab Q SS auroka wesee justice 0 the peace george F constable botn C Jat lc 0 taft jainel johnsio John soo doubtable table francis U liel nap ot aba peace richard ue loigi aible henry K chud PRECINCT of the peace samuel daft countable atma kereji justice 0 be T totor john A in the probate court of the county at weber territory 0 utah la th matter of the estate of deceased notice 1 hereby alten that abdun pt tenon ten on the of the alexander oreti court account or lilu od a petition forth that said falat la la a proper to be clofed aadil that at the artlia of cattle reini ln to bo J to tatt helu at lw 0 eala deceased arf ing or a floal of baij ciau aul that allday ahe day of february A it t tn 0 catt a M ol 01 61 day att the cou rl lixia ol 01 court at the county court city IQ the gall county n W etick appointed by the judge of fald court or the ul anid account and lotte trim said or a 00 of lj otate at which eliae anil place aej pehoa in sll may appear nl show causa why the laid account hon lill dot be approved allowed aud fettled aej a decree adl of bald estate to the t prayed or la said a corill mr 10 law dniel january tux balc whereas the territorial school and boor inna the properly oft dward A D to oue dollar in filfly riots 1 ml remain uple There torel oliver 0 box falder couty L tah taihi 01 iho authority eted lu visions olau act ol 01 ho AMO ol 01 lah act to provide revenue lor the the thereof f proved february aud taht he epou la to wll scarf talt 0 booth west oceo alt ike I ke wendland wen dlan acre al loll 1011 the tame or w be he M and at t the door ol 01 the codute Coo itH you the aith di ol 01 U at ji m lor box aller centt county bunty tor and onice i st lite city 2 iska kolloc Is alvel h lie following named h lilal t his 0 o mike nil akl 1 P hla cllia nd cronl M mado victori lic tori the county cheit 0 yora florrin cn We daily abat via 11 cr NW diw 10 P hb tl att we alb kioa ofelia li joan john K arll C m 0 ot mora counis jath ADT peron w bo deares to tg he allo wuie 0 uch or alio iy ay knoer alie 1 a ot ulterior rhy uch armit haull not be til 91 ie kleta at tbt k boned time oj alace to croffy S of n to 1 rebuttal 0 tatt llant |