Show BOER SYMPATHY congressman sulzer suppressed by the chair washington may 7 this waa suspension day in the house and mr sul zer of new york created a slight flurry by attempting to secure the adap alon of a resolution expressing sympathy with the south african republics he got recognition before the approval of the journal and secured the adoption of his resolution under suspension of the rules the journal has not been approved eald the speaker the gentleman is out of order A moment later after the journal had been approved mr sulzer again demanded recognition for what purpose docs the gentle man rise inquired the speaker this being suspension day replied mr sulzer 1 I rise for the purpose of moving to suspend the rules and adopt the resolution expressing sympathy with the patriotic boers who are fight ing for liberty in south africa applause in the galleries the chair declines to recognize the gentleman for that purpose replied the speaker Is it because the chair Is opposed to the resolution asked mr sulzer the gentleman Is out of order A parliamentary inquiry shouted mr sulzer the gentleman will state his point 1 I desire to know whether a member of this house has not the right to make a motion in accordance with the rules of this house the chair replied the speaker must perform its duty in making recognition to suspend the rules the gentleman is out of order and will take his seat thereupon mr sulzer subsided mr marsh of illinois was recognized to move the passage under suspension of the rules of abe ball to increase the appropriation for the national guard from to mr hay of virginia said the war with spain demonstrated that the future of the national guard was of vital importance to the country the proposed bill increased the appropriation for the guard without providing in any way for uniform discipline or its organization for effective action in time of war mr hay thought that coupled with the increased appropriation pria tion there should be some general legislation along thellie thel lne of the bill he had prepared some time ago mr Stee leot indiana favored an efficient militia and paid the allita of new york pennsylvania and ohio a high compliment |