Show Letters to the Editor Questions Dear One of the great virtues of university students is their ability and to ask Such questions can be embarrassing inside class and precious little learning takes place when the professor is It's when he's that he begins to earn his THE CHRONICLE editorial of March asks the right The loss of the attractive and accessible area of the Union for the display of and other visual is a serious perhaps more serious than the controversy which seems to have occasioned That area seems eminently suitable to the purpose of bringing the creative life of the University to the attention of the University and the larger As we have no other area on campus that serves as THE DECISION needs more than Since it affects the University it needs the kind in which the various voices within that community can be KENNETH E. EBLE f Dear The question raised when dictating the removal of the art exhibit from the Union was whether the public should have a right to look at the paintings or should be obliged to look at THE QUESTION I would like to raise in answer is whether the of a university is to encourage moral bigotry and ignorance or by his action seems to answered my question much better than his A person is never obliged to look at anything which he does not wish to look If the surroundings become too one is always able to remove IT IS MY understanding that the union is owned by and that it is to be run for their entertainment and While to hear the of bigots is sometimes it is to the detriment of the students at the University to take them seriously and to act upon their The art work to be exhibited was selected by the members of the art These were correct people to consult as to the worth of various works of bases his 1 on the orating j of various upholders of bigotry who project the filth within their own 1 minds onto everything they I CALL FOR a reversal of I call for a of the University to the purpose of i The entertainment and education value of having art and other valuable exhibits convenient to all of the students in the Union far outweigh any other If more such exhibits are to be removed from the students' easy they as well not be I suggest that the subservience to moral bigotry that has been displayed during this incident does not belong within a MICHAEL W. KAIN Perhaps McKain will find at least a partial answer to his question on page one of |