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Show by that date. It is with sincere regret we note the serious illness of James Siddoway of the Highland Boy who is suffering from spinal meningitis, he was too ill to fc8 moved from his home and the case is in the hands of Doctors Frazier and Cain. Mr. Siddoway is 21 years of age, is an employee of the Utah-Apex Mining Co., and played in the Utah-Apex Basket-ball team on Saturday at Fort Douglas and on Monday at the High School Gym., and on Tuesday night was taken seriously serio-usly ill. Jack Densley, 30 years of age, married, with three children is hoplessly ill at the Bingham Has pital, suffering from spinal meningitis. men-ingitis. Doctors Richards and Young of the Bingham Hospital held a baby clinic at the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon, a number of babies were examined and advice ad-vice biven the Mothers. W. Thomas of Markham sustained sus-tained a severe injury to his left eye on Wednesday while at work for. the Utah-Apex Mining Co. Mr. Thomas threw a dirty piece of waste in a stove which it is v Chips andShavings Around Bingham Theo Marx, the popular manufacturer man-ufacturer of the "Alberta" cigar was a visitor to Bingham on Friday Fri-day last. Mr. Marx took some nice, fat orders for his cigars and during his stay attended the K. P. Lodge meeting. Dr. C. N. Cain, of the firm ol Drs. Frazier & Cain, returned the past week from Lexington, Kentucky, where he visited with his mother. Jim Ewing, of the Highland Boy district was a pleasing caller at our office the other evening. Jim likes to talk about his old business, newspaper work. He is one of the right hand men of the Utah-Apex machine ma-chine shop now. With blood in their eye, with the intent purpose of slaughtering slaughter-ing all rabbits this side of creation, crea-tion, Charlie Kearney, Charlie Piz, Howard McColman, Tom Mayne, John Feraco and Harry Goldsworthy motored to Grants- supposed contained a dynamite cap, on reaching the fire an explosion ex-plosion occurred and it is feared a piece of the cap is embedded in his eye. He was removed to St. Mark's Hospital, Salt Lake City on Wednesday afternoon where he is under the care of Dr. E. M. Neher, eye specialist. Harvey Holman who has been connected with meat markets in h ville on Monday on a hunting " trip, and, altho there was a hungry hun-gry lot of families awaiting their return, their appetites were in no way appeased as the hunters bag consisted of two rabbits. Arthur M. Thomas, cashier of the Bingham State Bank, returned re-turned from California the past week where he visited for fifteen fif-teen days. Mrs. Thomas and family will remain for the rest of the winter. George McKulla is back at the Grill Cafe. George has traveled considerable since he left Bingham Bing-ham a few -months since. He visited at his old home Great balt ke City for the past two months is once more in the employ em-ploy of the Bingham Canyon Meat Co. Dr. Nelson Young of Salt Lake City is now connected with the Bingham Hospital. Falls, Montana, the different coast tows, including San Francisco, Fran-cisco, San Diago and Portland, but admits he never saw a town that looked better to him 'than Bingham does. The Rev. Elmer Goshen, Pastor Pas-tor of the First Congregational Church of Salt Lake City and one of the most capable orators of the State, was the principal speaker at a meeting of the Ki-wanis Ki-wanis Club here on Thursday evening. Music was furnish-td furnish-td by the popular local orchestra, orches-tra, the Imperials. The Blue Sky Placer Mining Co., commenced mining operations operat-ions here the past week. The company who comprise twenty-five twenty-five local men have leased the property from Walker Bros. Co., of Salt Lake City. They are sinking sink-ing a shaft near the D. and R. G. Railway tracks close to the Bingham Bing-ham Canyon Meat Co's., slaughter slaught-er house. The property was form erly known as the Pete Clays placer. The company have already al-ready reached the depth of twenty-five feet and have good gold showing, according to those in charge. It is said to be necessary to sink to a depth of from sixty to one hundred feet before bedrock bed-rock is reached. On reaching bedrock bed-rock ordinary rockers for gold and sluice boxes will be installed It is hoped sufficient water for sluicing will be obtained when the bed-rock is reached. A new home for the Bingham Post Office has started this week the Government lease on Society Hall will expire 'within the next seventy days and a new building build-ing will have to be built to take its place. The contract for the building of a new post office was accepted by the Government from Harry Steele who immediately immed-iately on being notified started removing the building known as j the Utah Feed stable. Mr. Steele will erect a new concrete building build-ing 40 by 90 feet at a cost of practically $25,000.00 which will have to be ready for occupancy |