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Show Wife of Condemned Man Narrowly Escapes Violence London, April 15. Hyde Park, where so many suffragette demonstrations demon-strations havo taken place, was the scone this afternoon of a riot which, but for the vigorous interference of the police, would havo resulted in the infliction of tho most extreme violence vio-lence on two women. Mrs. Frederick Henry Scddon, who has appealed In vain to the authorities to commute the sentence of her husband, hus-band, nn insurance superintendent, who is to be hanged on Tuesday in Pentonvllle prison, sought to carry her appoal to the public. With her daughter, Maggie, sho mounted an improvised platform In the center of tho park and by haranguing public officials was soon able to attract a huge crowd. The sentiment against Seddon is strong and the two women found no sympathizers amoug tho throng. The crowd jeered and hissed and shouted to the women to go homo. This they refused to do, and the crowd began to closo In on them. Tho police wore powerless. A hurry call was sent for a reserve force aud these officers offi-cers arrived and hewed their way to the platform just in time to rescuo tho Avomen from the leaders of tho mob, who were mounting the platform, plat-form, and rush them Into a taxlcab. Thousands followed the machine, causing a blockade of traffic, but tho put on full speed, outdistanced the mob and got Mrs. Scddon and hor daughter to tho station in safety. |