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Show ram' I RESpiRS I Seattle Will Face a H Water Famine by I H Saturday ! H Seattle, Wash., Nov. 21. With th jH rivers of western Washington slow- IH ly falling and prospects bright for tho IH early resumption of railroad service lH across tho Cascade mountains, inter- IH est was centered today on Seattle, IH whero the water famlno In tho prln- M clpal rcsidenco districts Is becoming M alarming. H The city has used 40,000,000 of the 100,000,000 gallons of water stored in ' M the service reservoirs, whon tho Cedar river pipe lines broke Sunday, H , cutting off the source of supply. It H is believed tho reservoir will keep M part of the city going until Thursday, M but the pipes cannot be repaired be- j fere Saturday night. H The problem that confronts the city Is to got wator to the great residence H portion of the city that hap been with- M out service since the pipelines broke, H and to obtain a temporary supply for H use in the business district, when, the H last drop has been drained from tho H reservoirs. H To this end work was begun last H night connecting the Lake Washing- H ton pumping station with the service H mains and Installing emergency H pumps at Swan lake from which It M is believed 10,000,000 gallons, one- M third of he amount ordinarily con- H sumed by the city, can be obtained H The use of Lake Washington wator . jjH will present a new and difficult prob- H lem that of sanitation. Dr. J. E. H Crlchton, commissioner of health, Is-' H sued a bulletin last night, warning H consumers to boil it not only for H drinking purposes, but for every do- mestio use. H Seattle Is feeling the water short- H ngc keenly. All schools will be closed ( H until Monday. The- court house Is H without water and heat and the i H judges of the superior court have dc- j H cidede to hold no more sessions until ' H conditions are relieved. j IH The city is using the 24 water IH wagons of the street department to H dispense water free to householders. i1 H Several private water merchants aro ' H doing a thriving business spiling 'H wator at five cents a gallon. Many 'I IH people are going to the reservoirs and , H carrying; home Jiajls and tubs full !'4 of water " while otirdnl 6b"taTn "their 1 supply from small spiings which tho j H owners have graciously thrown open jH to all who ask. IH Work is being rushed repairing the r H damage to the municipal light plant, i H and Supt. I. D. Ross believes he will H be able to turn 4,000 horsepower into H the city circuits tonight ( H When in full operation the plant IH generates 14,000 horsepower. H |