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Show XfhLPhillipr W 'SCHOOL DAZE, SCHOOL DAZE' The public schools have opened again and millions of children give up playing outdoors and start fooling in the schoolroom. a They had a lot of fun during the vacation, but weren't anywhere near as idle as they will be when they get back to their studies. Whether the children hare been getting the right sort of education is now a question agitating many nations. That many of the weaknesses weak-nesses in social systems are due to emphasis on the wrong things in school is widely charged. France declares, through Marshal Petain, that its public school system was "a lie," and says that from now on schools will teach "respect of the human individual, the family, society soci-ety and the nation." a France has blamed about everything every-thing else for its defeat, and it may be stretching a point to blame the schools, but this department thinks a little shaking up of the American ' public school system wouldn't do us any harm. If Uncle Sam's schools are teaching teach-ing American boys and girls respect for the family, society and the nation, na-tion, a lot of the kids are not listening. listen-ing. (There we go preaching again.) How about getting back to the old-fashioned old-fashioned days when school was m m opened with " " prayer and the f Cl national anthem, L .rmA with teacher sup- F swS plying the inspir- F yvft The schools are Y7 JaSsv? instructing the ll rfi- ' 3 kids in dates that feRwfcJ&L don'tmatter.his-lFOF3 don'tmatter.his-lFOF3 torical episodes MpM. that they will jvi5x"S never remember S v3r and various sub- fTggCJs jects which will xTvf?'''! be of little use " e ' - to 'em. The only exam they pass quickly is the one which asks, "What was Jimmy Cag-ney's Cag-ney's last picture?" "Name four night clubs most often mentioned in the press," "What six movie stars were divorced in the last 10 days?" and "Has mommer developed a system sys-tem to beat bingo yet?" ti,o hnp P would seem to be Robinson, Rooney and Romero. Of course, the schools may not be entirely to blame for the fact that little boys grow up into men who yawn as a veterans' parade passes, give a sloppy salute to Old Glory and say "So what!" when told that democracy is in danger. The old folks at home have something some-thing to do with it. Pop never read the Declaration of Independence, and thinks Magna Charta is a new screen actress. And mom is too busy between bridge the screen scandals, bmgff and her efforts to get the right face cream that she isn't much help to I the kids either. CSo we hear.) FRATERNITY BROTHERS "I'll take him on!" cries Paul McNutt; Says Wendell, "Paul, my eye!' Biff! Bang! They're merely brothers broth-ers in Old Beta Theta Pi. RIMES IN HEAVY TRAFFIC Shed a tear for Margie White, She signaled left ... and then turned right. A. G. Odell. Bandaged up is Gus Q. Bray-He Bray-He said he'd fix his brakes some day" fc. L. T. Gatti Casazza died in IUly the other day at 71. He had been director direc-tor of the Metropolitan Opera in New York for 27 years, and before that was director at La Scala. Gatti was a glamorous figure in the days when the world not only felt like singing, but sang and even paid money to hear others sing. He must have been pretty unhappy lately. Kathryn Holhlman Frank defines an optimist as a man who kept his sunglasses in his hand during the last two weeks in August. The explanation of the hour: He was going to get married anyhow this summer. The new France is talking of adopting the 'family vote system j of franchise, under which a man has as many votes as there are in his immediate family. The French have something there that we might copy on this side of the ocean. Imagine Imag-ine the rush of party leaders to take Pap Dionne to the polls! New York has a new nrik-boUle, shorter, lighter and "gurgle proof" whatever that may mean. If it still holds notes to the milkman it is okay with us. |