Show of imen the tilt bravest battle that tillit ctr eur aas ns fought I 1 I 1 41 11 oldhem on oll hem ami kill lill on oil the tile mai trial of the murld ou oil will nill mid it 11 not it was iras fought b atie mothers 0 01 nian ni a not mith aution or battle shot hot with amord or r im not with irith wonderful Mond ond erful bord md or thought prom from the lips of dieli but ilesi in ill 1 patient inot lar x heart A moni iiii mho 1 boull net not beld bill silently lN bore her ber part ai anc thre is the tile battle field no inar luding troop no bl liou ollae ae solag son no beimers bi liners to flaunt alli aae hut but ali h their battles battle the last so to ions long I 1 rom tile er idle toen to the tile gr ii e yet faithful still us its a bruise bridge of haars she eglit in lit her ailed up ton tonn fights on oil and on oil in endless ei idle u vart silent li elit unseen liti goes doil oh oll spot spotless lesi nomani in lit world orla of shattie sha itie itle with splendid and silent icorn scorn go on back to god clod aa as white ai asi iou you e a s the kingliest warrior born |