Show rif FK aa ZE a c 1 4 FIR cai why it makes fri ends of owners last r donth an overland model 90 idock car in oklahoma broke all previous records in a most extraordinary nonstop non stop aiga gear test letus show you an exact duplica teof thil car it will meet your ideals of motor car appearance app carance Ls as your ideals of efficient and dependable service it couples luxurious riding comfort with power and on steep hills and rough roads 1111 CE tavern price utah come to out mito 0 0 1 R OR jk w JW ik w 1 casha 1 G wro C cow ip clefa 5 tea A blin full of these coals makes ayou feel SAFE anybody who N went ent through the tile ca coil 11 shortage ot of 1917 suffering severely as man did simply because dealers dealer could not deliver coal fast enough nill 11 not feel secure until he lie ins his filled ili his bins nils ith a P ph tent ifIll supply of winter coil C bistle astle gile gate and clear creek utah s kindard stin tin dard buelt fuel are ire 1 I I 1 to yon you now in any quantity and on it c cin in lii bu them thern at a reduced price FOR A LIMITED PERIOD save sae money make oui elf self secure and help prevent a coal shortage this winter by detting our coal EARLY ASK YOUR DEALER EALER D E ALER mined only by OTAH UTAH FUEL GO CO SALT LAKE lease blinks bank at nes nl S advocate Ad oate I 1 HENRY RACK FIACK builder and contractor A WL FIGURE ANY 8 electric shoe rip 6 S it and factory booi bo JAMES BESSO ESSO prop in turner pj his m 4 fi ERA guns phonograph P D writers etc carefully oy P 1 at hauled and put in it good con b 8 general repair work fr bring it to me U Is DS I 1 have some excellent farms for sale both large and small improved and es unimproved and some 0 fully equipped vl it costs costs you nothing so 0 o iff lan look them over and get gettS J terms and learn all about J them J E K ak OLSON w US U S coremin onari eko M PHONE ais price utah MO N a arrow arri 0 w auto i L line me between price and sunnyside Sunny side a and price and hiawatha cirs otra leave union stige st ire depot j j tavern a 9 in and 1 3 p 1 m daily DAILY TRIPS EACH H WAY prompt and courteous Courte ou treat j ment service our motto PHONES 89 22 27 j its easy to select a satisfying aneal le at a satisfying price froin from our r menu regular dinner short orders all hours well cooked in a sanitary sini tary kitchen special Si lecial attention to ladic ladies and ony american help employed colletts cafe 3 door doors east eist of ako theater neater ABERDEEN the fligh efficiency COAL C 0 A L government equivalent 2104 ib lbs un for storage will not slack best of steaming and heating qualities 0 independent coal goal cote coke company Com papi I 1 tino at ulan bank ho 1114 SALT LAI CITY |