Show national variety store taylor mao st ANYTHING IN THE SPECIALTY 1 LINE WE HAVE IT I 1 why shop around when e A 0 awo 1 le your wanti can o 0 afka pancie holiday gooda doods are being received daily make your ti selections elections early dolls beads sweaters and all kinds of household specialties cial ties 20 2 0 70 UY NOW WILE 10 discount for cash ON ALL GOODS BOUGHT DURING MONTH OF DECEMBER con PUA 0 n wagon machine co CON MAYTAG WASHERS GORDON 3 0 R D 0 X LEATHER VESTS STEWART AND RANGES CHRISTMAS CANDY the this christmas season will not be ml real wi thou plenty of candy for the youngsters and thoe those who enjoy something tasteful and our candies are made froni from absolutely lz P pure der tary condition toy by peo pie who know how the vandety include includes the klad kind the th children like best and grade choc and nut cara gramels inele and fudges that the tb older girls love take hone home a supply frequently md and see bow how cheap you got a lot of liap PRICE confectionery south side main street I 1 I 1 W P WINTERS physician and surgeon proprietor carbon 0 e carbon hospital phone 76 pr e utah F F 1 physician and surgeon price utah DB B R M physician ician and surgeon obstetrics aud diseases of children office in Sil ragni price utah DR J A JUDY physician and surgeon office in price bank office phone DB DR G W GREEN physician sad cad surgeon bedd redd building price utah DB DR SANFORD 13 BALUN ALLINGER CrEK dentist redd building price utah DR ff HB B GOETZMANN dentine v bay ray work ard extraction given prial attention UTA E R 1 I S EVANS dentist koom room 8 nedd redd bid price utah DR J B 33 chiropractor at price mornings and after first stair ay eu bait t of first national bank TV fl E E N the high efficiency COAL C 0 A L government G overn ment equivalent 2104 ibs lbs unequalled for storage will not slack black best beat ot of steaming and wid heat ing qualities independent goal coal coke Com company paril mines wines at ke ne deworth utah uth general walker bank MIAS bait salt bake lake city ARROW AUTO UNE LINE price to hiawatha and black hawk arm n 1 haave price 9 a m and gad 3 ap p m leave Tu awatha 11 a ro aad e 9 in 61 special tripe tria by arrangement anang einen at any hout bout nead headquarters quarters ter savoy motel price 0 atall hiawatha phone phones and 04 94 IL atop pro J X FLYNN undertaker and ramet embalmer Ed Fb balmer almer 29 price cd PRICE a TOUTS FOUTS f attorney attorneys at law I 1 11 end and 12 Bil Z badh YOU 01 price utah R I 1 YOU L A mcgee attorney at law block price utah A STEWART alexandea 2 PRATT AT LAW building price utah OLIVER X CLAY attorney autaw at lair office in bid price lb HENRY a Z N R Y R U a attorney at law i office at courthouse PRICE UTAH GEORGE AT LAW phone ise IN biag price utah H N D attorney at law ground floor 79 south eighth street price utah A 0 TAYLOR building contractor dwellings remodeling HT you building taylor mad nab bik blk prica litah uh pura 11 1 HENKY HENRY FIACK AND SON contractors and builders Bui phone I 1 carpenter and general contractor puce utah at weeter lumber company A BALLINGER abstracts of title real be falater betat I 1 UP u urance doods monty money to lolaw loaa approved security water stocks iw few ale sale or lest conveyancer and d votus public office first ioor mut miles main street phone CARBON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY J W Bania Hum oad noad prop heal ROM InAura nee ara bond abstracts Ab of title prepared for or and and lot lots money to loan on choice hel farm land lands at 8 rev ebirt notay public second floor agul build tag phone NOTEE NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES father giovannoni pastor phone suea barte wass at price every bandar rao at 11 1 school ln wass d abely alter maa mass fit the various camp camps at the rs bluest of the people a ly AV ran gement with the pad r PRICE LODGE NO 52 1 0 0 1 PRICE UTAH meet meets each wednesday 18 a 8 W jal iia apton N 0 G C M hayman Bay iaan V G L A hills KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS price lodge no 32 meet every second ana and foultz y in masonic ball aliu member membra alway always P IL a M W R ir of 31 and IL LOYAL ORDER OP or MOOSE NO 1048 AM etere every friday evening at 7 sf visiting brother brothers alway always jokes je T nick hicks 8 be wilton wilson dictator frank detary rn OF THE WORLD camp no meets second and nd fourth friday K T hall 11 astle gate visiting nelabel alwy welcome alex jone jones 0 C 1 WEL WE V christensen tonn clell |