Show I 1 if you can live through the particular evil tl I 1 at besets you tod today an 61 other e avil 1 I 1 I will come along on 9 tomorrow to stake today look ill line e a blessing I 1 ion oil prot pr at ly feel eel du perlor to a gobil goo I 1 in annu established custom cu itom inq but it you a business Lual nen of iolati ig if them oi oa fed feel superior long cooks TWO laings ato 0 A A ja t LL tl L th thoe whose crowded hour demand ta tb con e of breut luncheon other maali in the lordest Lor hor test tune time are axe best but erred by the or it en enables 1113 you to wa CA two different RADiA RADIANT tir GRILL duhe at the tile ame tune te you can sue it ight on abe room the clean perfect OP operation c tion and the handsome ban doB of app appearance rance tho the llota hotpoint m radam ca amr A bw that br hay brouse anu fame to tt tb jabz ahou big of cdx eastern utah U t a hl h L ELECTRIC COMPANY w a 0 BROE nt u brar mgr DO YOU WANT TO TAKE A FLYER the money that i nov be ing 1119 spent in oil exploration ii saved saed mone it could not be pent now if it had been spent before if you liae no money saved you miss the chance the other felloe before invest INest 11 nip IV in III the many oil stocks ofte rul cd talk it over with us lis it may be that lie can call hae ou oil a loss on oil a poor PRICE P R I 1 C E commercial SAVINGS BANK WE ARE PREPARED furnish frame buildings of any tiny kind for immediate kin ery try BOWERS CO south 3rd west salt lake city P r FISK physician and surgeon price utah DR R M JONES physician and surgeon obstetrics and diseases of children office in Si liagin building price utah DR SANFORD BALLINGER dentist j miles s building price utah DR D R T J ANTON A N T 0 N dentist rooms 9 and 10 PRICE UTAH H B GOETZMANN dentist X ray work ork and extraction Li traction given iven special attention PRICE UTAH DR J A JUDY physician and surgeon office in price commercial Commer Lial bank office phone J E FLYNN undertaker Under taher and licensed ciceu sod embalmer telephone 29 price utah DR J B HENDERSON ENDERSON H chiropractor at price mornings and after nouns in parker Park erWe weeter eter block at helper evenings over help cr state bank NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES father giovannoni Giovann ont pastor cholle borth orth eighth street mua MA lit price sunday moina t 11 cutely sunday 81 ady I 1 after bui ai mua MI in tit the various camps at lt the re of the people baptism marriages Marri Agea 1 by ar rs gelant with the pator pastor P CE PO attorney attorneys at I 1 rooms 11 and I 1 12 2 41 price mat 1 L A attorney Atto iney at block price ice utai DAL on AND daub n attorneys Atto meya atla at la office eko theatre ba price ice utah OLIVER K cuy attorney at tit law la ill shivam pric p e i stewart alexander ft a c ATTORNEYS aa 14 eleventh floor deseret atul bait salt lake 1311 vagn building frit aff y R U 0 attorney at law office nt at courthope Court Cour hoase thome PRICE GEORGE CHRISTE 4 ATTORNEY AT phone silvan BU price A 0 TAYLOR building contractor condrac Con trac Rem remodels odeli 4 havo have your baudin aylor blk price a A BALLINGER abstracts of title ital o 0 aurance eu su ranee rance donde bonds money tola approved security water sta eale sale or lease conveyancer ul I 1 public office first floor elks b anil main street phone HENRY FIACK AND S sol contractors and bedin phone E DI FULLER civil mining and irrigate a engineer office birst door east rint W it bonk bank price utah CARBON COUNTY ABS COMPANY J W hammond prop real estate insurance and abstracts of title prepared for or 1 and lots money to loan on oil A 6 farra lands at 8 per cent public second floor Sili t in 1119 phone KNIGHTS OF PYTHIA price lodge no 33 32 meets every 1 third sad au f tuesday in masonic hu members nem Lera aldaya always welcome P E 0 W R W AT IL of it R and IL 8 ARROW AUTO LI ance to hiawatha and black MA cam can I juve elvo price 8 9 a m isi 4 n leave hiawatha 11 a M and special trips by i 1 at any boar hour headquarter headquarters savoy savor hotti P amusement hall halt hiawatha phones phone ISO and 94 1 8 prop ABERDEEN the ne nah rAci cacy A L government ew 2104 lbs unequalled for stoff will not slack best of 0 steaming and id ing ing qualities independent coal cool W company W mine at Keril lwort k jl 14 i general ces ai ker I 1 SALT LAKE CITY |