Show HONEY r MEN FORM A BIG organization dan of vernal aa ap point d state ice tee inspector la was chosen chogen pre eilent silent of the itah I 1 tah honey prodoc era erst association vest esterday est erlay wl alen ra clitty I 1 ig ig I 1 oney men of the state met in price to form uch such an organization C T o 0 of myton ia is sec the boerl of control is composed of thorn thom am chantry of wellington william J steuart blew art and C T berg beggs of vayton william Me henzie of I 1 lerron erron andrew vernon of vernal ilford belliston of 0 f nephi and P T reese of north cortti ogden the beemen feel that they caa can I 1 andle both their supplies lup plies ant an 1 their product Juit to mi nil advantage ly I 1 y working to cc opera dively ant will mill give the 1 method a trini trial an oder for 2100 file gallon calls and a carloa 1 of email small friction top cani cans wa was I 1 clacel lace I 1 during the two lay convention tl TI e a atlon is also in aking arrangements to store tile the loney I 1 oney of tl uis ii section and perhaps of oil all tie state in lie tile barmo irs ant pro dubers a ee in thi this tty city until it is i eol sol I 1 mr nir man ha has been over much of the state since bh ills appoint client as a ln inspector and states that bece bees are list condition ver iver i nav diew tl em so early in the ron lie pre diet dicta a big tar for honey roen men |