Show JUST ABOUT FOLKS A girl baby was born monday to mr and ad mrs orion orson grame grames Cli rente Ro billett is I 1 home from big hi studies at the late wlate university in suit salt lake an eleen even and one half balf pound boy aai as born tuesday eleming to mr ur and stirs poe poss shiner mr and lira C 11 II stevenson Stev meon pent spent the enl in salt lake city on it pleasure trip mr afro T J orthey northey wi was down from mohrland monday doing her tier christ tram shopping mirece olive june end and fern end and george ballinger Balli oger came home the firt first of the week from wasatch academy at mt ilea 1 learnt trait to slena end the holidays arl mr R 13 and little grand daughter daught Cr bernice hume fume left sunday after a lit felt of elx six week weeks with the family ct of her baroti er r proon T brooks air art I 1 mra G 11 I 1 hoyden boyden and chit dren will leave 1 rilay morning for to spend christmas with ith rela role tives air and mr mrs sheldon Bli eldon ardeleon Ard Ar derson ereon an daug daughter Mer mary shaw will leave christmas mas morning for halt lake to and append the holiday holidays the methodist let bunday phool P hool lino tin Ire prepared pared a 0 program aid old A treat for the he youngs terso the erent to be given at the church eve te ning the public ii i invite I 1 tho parcel post pott window at the office will be olen oi en front 10 to 11 on hoth both fh Christ rittman maR lay ai at I 1 still for iho ilio dt delivery livery of parcel post pat package k age li il V lol n annun 0 on w who ho lias has been in lit poor health fur for n ore than a year I 1 as gone to alna rl na to spend the winter and mm afro johnson hae has rone gone to to re aiala luring hie its absence james aali chit J collard came tn from palt lake thursley Thur alay to the tile boli li oliday days with home alks at castle flate rhey ore price vt vis it iti rs r yesterday the P R Hor Ifor ltv blev family eanie cattle o over oer er fron myton the lat last of last week to isit I 1 cut at aul ant left monday evening for california where they will main indefinitely not e ht gun lerson iw Is able to bo be out t aboin after an nit allne illnois ts of many mk M ks k 11 ite ila hae suf forel berely ee mee rely with aioo 1 ant an 1 later anie tame lown oan o an an skit attack of smallpox he lie la is only ablo to I 1 0 about on oil crutches crutch ea Khol croy fame came inan from I 1 sunday having been callet to attend tl e of a reyntle rel atlo at helper lie nas a much with business in carbon county ant an declares dec laroi that he will alit always hold heay interests in this section ir dr and sire mrs J judy hano ha arrived in aflee 1 to make inake their home and rind afie detor d tor ie Is permanently bated heated in lit the office bite suite with dr it B goetzman Oo etiman oer mer tie tle price commercial ant an 1 sa sav ings benk bank they arc are full mem lera lers in lit tile lie I 1 rice trice house st f celety k vi rhiner was A up ton town aon mon lay after five week weeks at home while tile family antl 1 d emall por mr air saliter had tie time of any of the family to for he had eighty three an n the tile i of bis hands and on the inside of the fingers where the callon ii is thickest and slid he lie dp clare that job he I 1 nothing on or him in the way of die comfort P T I 1 into ii lia ha I 1 rought o 0 in his bridge gang and outfit arm arx bork orx nil oil the trl t ridges de en on the prier myton road as the state roal commission hae has not done any balag ince since the work was wa commenced in lit october they hae bae nearly completed the third briage out of four it cost mr I 1 lemon antons mid und hie his partner carl wilberg will Wil lerg cry to wove move i in an all ait 1 it will ill cont cost an much nun it to movi lack when whon work is i resume I 1 I 1 I 1 irge a arpei agi it wa ak a a allowed I 1 IA I A ed t 1 it I a I 1 i lilt ailt to retty larcene an I 1 I 1 av a tine fine aln ie le ati found to have helped lintn fitial at an ani I 1 batcher a calf belonging to inter I 1 ovell owell agin algin a wife un I 1 sin vins are nit oi their way from the oil off ea c gintry and he tie indge I 1 not to I 1 te e sent to ta the pen ren his 1119 jartner it petter to hae hake been the chief often ani 1 if le wn to the pen ly 1 tren |