Show con N L a kr dla luction t VIL on V dry W jj r y T 7 good 7 ME v 0 too lower prices by the manufacturer enables us to give to our customers big reductions at a on staple merchandise therefore we will sacrifice our on the merchandise we be have in the house to the benefit of our customers in order that at all times we can ir offer to our trade dependable dable merchandise at the lowest possible prices as follows pill vi EE 0 SHEETING hope bleach per yard I 1 indian hi atad ad bleach per yard condor bleach per yard L L unbleached per yard Poppen ll 0 04 4 per yard 10 4 per yard HEMMED H E MME D SHEETS pequot each ech weardell We arwell each linen finish each P PILLOW ILLOW GASES CASES Wc arwell 45 36 each daisy each household each pillow tubing gr 42 inches per yard BLANKETS NASHUA wool nap blankets made with a heavy a mip sue in plaids iud the finest comaca yarn dark or light colors DO no better checks and strip stapes esp be had 5 98 a pair wool nap blankets to EXTRA GOOD GRADE COTTON BLANKETS 2 75 a pair sue size s 4 oo 00 a rde size UNDERWEAR boys winter weight eight ribbed union suit a good dunable boys garment sizes 4 to 8 tac 8 sizes 10 to 14 childrens wool union suits in a very good grade sizes 4 to 8 2 00 sues sizes 10 to 16 2 50 ladies ribbed fleece lined union suits style high neck and long sleeve or dutch neck and elbow sleeve ladies silk ELM and wool union suits style high neck and ions long 03 dutch neck and elbow sleeve or low neck and no sleeve formerly 7 60 50 value now 5 00 mens moleskin union suits a very good water garment formerly 3 00 now mens heavy cotton ribbed union suits this I 1 is an in extra fine ribbed garment mens men all wool union suits formerly 7 50 value now shoo 5 00 mens wool process two piece underwear kirts and drawers per garment LADIES HOSE extra heavy armour plate or thread ra IV silk hose formerly 3 00 value now ja 00 armour amour plate or hole proof thread silk bilk hose forni formerly erly 2 50 value now it 41 ladies cotton hose formerly now BOYS HOSE extra heavy ribbed fast ra black armour amour plate hose sac and GIRLS HOSE fine rine ribbed fast black armour plate hose me and MENS HOSE extra heavy armour plate thread silk bilk hose in black or bolc coloa 3 formerly 1 60 grade now 1 mens thread silk hose 75 A good cotton half hose in black or colors MENS SHIRTS jua pi mens flannel shirts in 0 I 1 I WIT 1 military or flat mat collar fro lapp style colors brown grey U U navy or green 3 76 75 each vore mens soft cuff dress d t zino ay iy shirts a striking variety oe to C of patterns to select from 1 I 1 2 00 each kemu ruled mens silk bilk shirts made ff ef to all YURN Ys co crepe or tub bilk a large aawar variety of patterns to select from 8 50 each of ta N duag plaint of co DRESS GOODS WH A good heavy stam serge in a variety of colors formerly mine value now per yard all wool storm serge berge sponged and shrunk 44 inch inches L I 1 lake big ex I 1 wide nde lor formerly merly 2 50 now per yard eri its in I 1 hi ano i 48 inches wide formerly 3 00 oi now 2 00 per yard sat adi ir A a french serge made of all wool a very fine grade 40 mg to inches wide formerly 3 00 now 2 25 per yard hit the r th w ty 1 ir 9 W 1 lel OUTING FLANNEL t d ta eel extra heavy outing fl fannel innel in dark or light ift for ser e I 1 colors 80 per yard mr of elijat erling death b plane i of the B GINGHAM trashed ug it ernail red sed or toile du burd lurd the ad a best beat grade dress gingham per yard the plan amoskeag apron gingham in iff M from li checks or stripes per yard to for san toni is the J when th power tarry po PERCALE As ur belmont percale 36 inch in light or dark colors thu iske fro alty is an extra good quality percale 27 yer yard thatter the pa loath en botic too late t lowenstein 0 W Mer L e co jo I 1 ext as h two put gear snap fit bi ba j the house of quality not PRICE UTAH with 00 that the fa kit |