Show CLEAR ON 1 11 LEAGUE POSITION la in view of the attempt attempts of deao cralle speakers to kisr the pi itsou of senator amran arna 0 hardily ma a to the lengu of nations na the be collaw JAX atit ement h has ba specially pre parr rated by him and tates hie his rilon explicitly pl leibly ami and nation ohio october 0 is 18 1020 it poems to re asp as P that then there boull I 1 not re to main a shadow of doubt as a to my petition position ai as regards the proposed kag leng a e of bottom os as drafted at pari paris and sib jb to the senate and ai as rega retails the arrest world beati ment for a better a among nations to di dis war sal ia generally to advance let me restate my poll post biall as as my power of worda birr I 1 am unalterably opposed to going ante the league of nation nations as that pro lostion now stands tha that yr pro oral remal ie is contemptuous of and poteat kuy destructive of the americal Ame 1 on ution it ie is not favored by the american perrle Cc I 1 am in in favor of a world so clation fall call it what hat you will tho the ammel it of light slight that wil will tAia courage or tend to prevent war ant and that will a encourage or lead to en courage a it better understand lag among jaa jua tlona tiona of ali 40 earth tho the old order of thing things ill is 1 with not rot only la in amer airier atu lut lot throughout the world aad and the culter always quick with alway always just and usually led 11 y ben mait must play it pert part in ii tha new ova tard I 1 bellevo that aeh such an allon faa an b be without v reek laiq la the that ren attlas the of our liber liberties tits ani of OLT lin without wl helzing el ring or file on abe sovereignty that ia is our pride ana our inspiration to fine living sal goof go va I 1 fan can earnestly ar netly believe mat the lie te the realy syria jaby the sense of j ani ant tho the plain common sense of the united can call be depended upon ly by the reet greet of the tile world aill that it would ix rw stupid aj as well a as unlawful to at nat to chain our our amse of justice and our common sense to tic these atron strong fine no depe american qualities tle to the possible po nible eel bl lish aei am ambitions bittoni and aims of foreign nations or group of nations coee ideals are not tae the name aloe ni as our oars never hare love been and never will aill be fifth it ie Is my purpose when a atal to take tao the ahoo people into confidence ai as regards cheso matters to see aei c their advice in 1 more import aitt ant to act consonantly with their ad vice and to thia this end it will bo be my leasure yle Pe asure a its well a as my duty to call into confer onee e with wit me the tile best mind ahe clearest minds that america nf af arde lards I 1 blank gol that the time tio has imme when I 1 can an amk the advice adice of nf american merican i aa and 6 the ha cf of america alic tul of these thing 1 1115 jen said aid ia in some form or other h iu very every address and I 1 gay say it nil all icely now because I 1 am not always wy and I 1 want america to my Ii of operation cooperation co 11 II it a as the abiding rip position to tw league proposed 10 |