Show RICE GIVES NEPHI MORRIS HEARTY GREETING STATE ISSUES ARE HEARD BW old time republican enthusiasm a MP tnt in pi ice e last thursday evening wi ink oil 0 t the ie occasion jec 1 n of the visit morris t t city cry cheats cheo mingled ini ogled with Patr wic masio music by W the band and a big parade with wi alth banners and fire works proceeded pro ceded the meeting the eito eke theatre where the thie crowd fined every available spice and over flowed far into the street mr air morns morris LAS Is fittingly introduced by J F alac hignight Ig night p chairman 1 and when tin tiu twe tine of the fu future t ure ga governor vernor of tuta uta w wis is mentioned the immense crowd went f wild wl with wl enthusiasm lt applauded when dir mr morns arose he on oded n d his re by stating that he had houed all over the state i alc and that he lit was waa confident of a Kt victory in accordance aith an arcement Ag CeMent with other speakers be I 1 ai dwelt lt lit jely on cat vat ional baes mr lir mums confined to luly state questions dwelling dv elling but briefly na A woi wot d picture of the world war i a guing th it t conditions of the present adly di that it wa was the duty of tile uni fd ed states not to go to war bat to pt ep ire to defend its right of 4 I 1 kit prot protection eLtion and for an bom honorable rable tp pace p ace ice he ile declared that hugaas ta 1 mar man of peace but an advocate of peace ith honor and that he was tuch such a hunnas guao as is needed in thy the present cras ena prolonged tapp applause ap plaue showed that thit the audit nee alried cheers wg rang rat when mr morris stated that the united states is its brother brothers s k aper and hat that is is the duty of this to protect the smail nations of aflfe the lVe western tern hemisphere and thai that purpose we need the americanism of tt odore roosevelt mr is 1 then turned d to the state aue iziu paying a glo wilid tribute to obe eltse H u ie to lo 10 loin alinz and home owning people of utah au al a l particularly to the omen of tho th state ana have had such a large share in making utah what she is 0 lie declared that the humble homes hom e s of the werkine vcr kine cliss cl iss should be exempted from taxi tax tion and that all land should be taxed but not the home which represents the sacrifices of both flitter and he declared himself in favor of the site wile of the in bonds beloy belonging ging to the I 1 lind and board fund fudd and ht h u t loaning of the money to thi tim sar at 6 per cent he declared that in ahm would be found the solution of 0 the problems of the overburdened farmer who Is laboring to develop the satte and build up its institutions he declared himself hims elf in favor of rigid inspection of m mines n es and factories factor iea of an employees employers liability law and of a law to compel comp ca metal mines to in abety I 1 ety devices device and sand to keep the mine in a condition con ducile to the health of the workers he spoke strongly in favor of the conservation of the boys and girls and in favor of action to stop juvenile delinquency ho ile declared that all classes should respect labor and its r flits and property and its rights following the address hundreds of people gathered gut tred around mr moms morris to congratulate him on his wise discussion of state issues and to pledge their mr morns mortis was accompanied bv charles kent a noted campaign singer who effectively sang several patriotic selections to the great delight of the audience A dowil quartet h beaded laded bi bs prof A burgene Burg also rendered 2 selection and the hughes alliance of carbon county high school led the audience in a routing rou ing song A solo was also rendered ly seymour prows |