Show do k 1 1 2 we are CU sim harp 0 9 on the quality of our lumber and building Mate material riat we know our stock stok is equalled equal led by few and excelled by no other in this territory in n buying lumber and building material true economy lies liess not so much in the saving of money money as in in the spending of it right i ht when you spend d it here there isn t the slightest shadow of doubt t that it will buy the biggest and best values possible LET US PROVE IT C H STEVENSON STEV MON LUMBER CO phone ill price utah political roli 0 74 Z 4 DAVID As a result of legislation passed by the last utah legislature each county in the will during the year 1916 1016 receive additional help on its IN state roads to the amount of approximately this stint comes conies front the operation of the motor vehine law which was rewritten under the dation and initiative of secretary of state david mattson during the ses sea aa 1915 and will bring an added revenue to the office of almost under the provisions of the law the amount collected from this source is divided equall among the several counties of the state before assuming the office he now occupies mr lH attson was the states state a treasurer which under the law made him a member of the state road commission while acting in that position he came in close touch with the needs of the roads in the th rural districts 0 of the state and curing during hia his tenure in oboe as treasurer and since occupying the tile position as stere secretary tary of state he has bent es ery to secure funds especially for the cow counties of the state which might be placed on road betterment while he large Der percentage of motor vehicles are to be found in the cities through the utah law the outside counties receive recene the same proportion of the fund as do the counties in which are located the majority of motor driven vehicles under the hupci vision of david mattson no public office in utah shown such remarkable improvement during the past four years as that the secretary of state in point arrangement and organization it no equal during his administration of of 1913 and office the legislatures recommendation ind and 1915 upon his initiative revised many evi sting laws pertaining to the office and added to the statutes several new measures which have had hai the effect of producing an addi additional revenue annually in excess of more than when he was elected four years I 1 go it was entirely due to his efforts that the annual compoi aaion license tax schedule wis was re drafted thereby compelling large corporations to pay a proportionate share of the tax this one measure alone increased the revenue of the state approximately annually it was he who caused to be rewrite re written and made effective the motor ve hide hicle law this revenue goes into the state road fund and produced tec ye yearly adiv which is equally a ap P po portioned rationed among the counties of the state for road purposes since mr mattson took office wild in the bbate which has been such a menace to utah as well as to the other western states has been almost entirely eliminated through bis refusal of admission into the state of foreign corporations with any odium attached to their methods of doing business and it was upon his recommendation that laws have been revised to permit a more close scrutiny cru tiny and supervision of building and loan association and investment concerns the wisdom of this legis lation has been apparent on several notable io table occasions during the past few years the present geer secretary tary of state lia hai been a central figure in republican state politics for yeara years and has been a leading factor in shaping the poll poli cies cles of his party and in its victorious battles probably no man in the utah public eye has more warm per bonal friends throughout the state A pleasing perso personality nanty and absolute efficiency in office has drawn dr awn to him supporters by th the hundreds for sale at a bargain three room cottage and lot 60 b bi feet in best residence district it in price small payment down bal ance on time at low rate of interest for pat i call on or phone lee nelms kompany om pany price utah merchants coupon books the news has laid in a supply of merchants coupon books both in aa 5 and 10 denominations no alpe sending away for these books hereafter blank paper of any kid ki d in any size and quantity at the news aavo cate salt lake newest newhouse e hotel t L FIREPROOF 11 u rooms every room with bath and outside exposure RATES and upwards well equipped with sample rooms for commercio commer dil it men prix dixe luncheon 4 courses at selected table chote dinner at dinner de sunda sunday y at t dancing from to 6 p m and after theatre from 1030 to 1230 p m political bial Announce announcements monts 1 for stale state treasurer I 1 hereby announce my candi candidacy dicy for the tha office of state treasurer au aua jeci to the action of the republican state convention at ogden aug 8 1916 1 I pledge myself if nominate and elected to give my best ener energies sies and ability to the duties of said office carl R marcusen Marc uaen price utah for sheriff 1 I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination by the republican RepublIc la patty of carbon county for the office of sheriff subject to the tile will of the republican county convent convention lon it nominated and elected I 1 promise to devote my best effort efforts to tri the dutsis of the office T R professional miles E miller LICENSED ARCHITECT vermont building salt SA lak C F S DUNLEVY DUN LEVY civil and mining engineer 11 kind of engineering ana surveying given prompt Xi attention county court house price Pric eUtAh otili land maps surveying construct i vater irrigation forrester leger 0 61 sad sal aa 11 0 box an 37 PRIOR UTAH 1 the myer transfer co 1 NORA MYER IYER light and healy o 0 hadulias to alif ail pint la in carbon cabon AS YOU WANT IT TOU YOU fill hiir IV phone and P 0 box price utah panama hotel beal locution Locc tion in city PRICK FRICS UTAH fine rooms hot and cold water steam heat bat bath h rates and 1 per DO C R LEWIS L E VT 5 plumbing and heating jobbing given prompt attention idue P a turner block bk uto h price wt N balo a a street stroe t j I 1 phon phone lab CARBON bouny N AB ABSTRACT COMPAQ nl J W V hammond prop keil red F fatute state insurance Insun irice aej aa abstracts fop for u 11 of title prepared arct allta mono a to iwin on chol linns linda lands at 8 pt r cent it public phone 43 I 1 |