Show THE EUROPEAN WAR A YEAR AGO AW U THIS WEES WEEK june n e 12 1915 jur galla germans carmans regained e ned tot lost ground warth of arras and had successes elsewhere in west jt it atlan allans advanced toward trent and Tt trieste leste british steamer and three lers ler eunk sunk by submarines austrian aviators avia tora bombarded barl bari end and Mono monopole poll tl dr Dern dernburg bura ailed from america russians left bukovina Buko Buk owIna june 13 1915 french took strongly fortified ridge rou bouchex chez germane germans bombarded chlop Cols Co lop sons and italians allana It began bombarding goeltz fortifications russians drove back the turk turks in the caucasus 1 neurons reu rons attacked russians north of st and west of warsaw one norwegian a ad nd two british vessel rl by ily submarines italian hallai airship seriously damaged naval elation station at pola palo june 14 1910 1115 german germans regained trenches at souchez bouchez and reputed french ion on loretta loretto hill hills mackensen Macken xen attacked russians in middle galicia breaking brooking their line and A nd taking 0 A Pott it rinn rIans won fights alonar iester atalla i occupied valentlna valentina in british ft fr h and danish vea ves sale bic sunk by june 18 15 15 severe but fighting around arra arras quatro german germans renewed great drive H I 1 galicia Gall cia taking mom laki it illana ilan repulsed pulsed ni austrian attack rt monfalcone court of inquiry on an lusitania Lu altania opened in london allied aero planes a bombarded karlsruhe zeppelin raid on northeast coast of england 16 15 killed houie house of commons voted war credit of former premier won greek election elections juno june 16 1915 british resumed offensive near cypres capturing trenched tren renche chei french made big gains in the voge aej in other place places teutonic drive toward lemberg continued hold italian italians n check along the isonio isonzo onzo turkish artillery battered alllen at t avi bernu german submarine ank sank british teamer steamer Strath nairn 22 lot lost german bombed nancy belfort and ani st GL die june 17 1915 french won great two day days battle near Gou chrz russians recreated over ever own bo der from galleto toward grad italian italians took height heights of plava on an lionzo and morl marl near rovereto Hove Gove reto british repulsed turk turks led by german germans on of gallipoli austrian submarine torpedoed and ank sank italian submarine me ma dua duos british submarine sank the th do e turkish transports tran aporta loaded with troops sub killed by fall of his hl sero aeroplane plane french aviator aviators bombarded ger man forces at GI dirigibles bombarded austrian positions tone at monte santo sarto and gradisca Gradl ca june 18 1915 allies madr made strong concerted attack on an germana germans between ypres and arras battle cattle for lemberg aged rad along fortified line at grodek Tarn taken by Teu tons austrians took offensive sst ott italian italians repulsing them near plava lava italians shelled Grod laca itallia fleet birnba bombarded i r ded dalma tian islands austrian squadron shelled italian coast towns but was driven off british steamer ailsa sunk by submarine |