Show TWO NEW SCHOOLS WILL BE ERECTED carbon county will have two new school next fall in addition to the ono one now being built at lit sto storrs aril at its meeting tuesday the board authorized a building g at standardville Stand ardville and one of similar nature at cameron plans wl will 11 be drin dra dr in a up at an early date dates bids called for and the buildings completed in ample time for the fall term contractor reynolds was allowed payment on the storrs building 1000 of it subject to the show ing ng of receipts in proof of py payments ments that ho he ha dc the old claim of the ogdan 1 supply company for goods furnished to one of the district boards prior to bonsu consul came up for discussion and the bill as again turned down by vote of the tile board the principals of moat most of the schools were ere allowed one extra week on pay to close up their work and make out reports principal J G gubler of the high school called the attention of the board to the fact that he lie had been called upon to do much work in con lection with the junior high not ifield in n his contract and he lie was allowed allow eJ 41 66 in addition to his ills regular salary dean A pack a it new teacher in the cornu county was elected to the of the castle gate schools carl 0 jensen of sunny side who had bad been efferd a elsewhere was at his own request returned to sunnyside Sunny side other assignments were miss laura to hiawatha glen allred to spring glen and john G jones to wellington |