Show AN appreciation the eighth grade 1 hi I ia at the C car ar bon count high school wasa was a complete success and we fel f el that no one con contributed toward its s more inore than the tile citizens and school patrons of price sti such h was shown th tint atall ill the tile visiting eighth gide g ide pupils were provided with nith ami anu lodging in behalf of the board of education the tile high school faculty and all concerned I 1 thank the alc plc af price u who 9 giff lve of stir hospitality to the visit visiting pupils and made this dai so SUM jbf fl 11 S W golding superintendent of schools charles banford anford for some time manager nia nager of the price trading corn com pan lias has sent woid word from arizona where he lie went to isit his isis brothers that the tile i 1 inge has too aprong bt trong a call and he will not return to price he tie is associated with the sanford cattle com ecim piny one of the biggest outfits yet remaining in the old west he ile made a host of friends here who are sorry to see him go ileno tompson of if fotion ft 11 on deput gime wi den was t visitor in 11 ice fedt I 1 t fie helis that the elk A turned turned loose in lua his district tie doing hue fine and seem well biti hid mis V S of spent petit in tile count seat ping o 0 |