Show take news advocate issued every F friday n day W C benfer manager entered in the postoffice post office at price utah as second class matter subscription rates 1 60 per year in advance PRICE UTAH FRIDAY SEPT 10 1915 ta ia f f elu he comments com the he editor s oo 00 things hint milt please pleas or displease icim i s boost for the county fair and then resolve to do something for it yourself and ind now the village drunkard wants helper to sell its lighting plant less than two months to the date for the city election and the only real live political rumor the editor hears bears is thai that carl R marcusen is tired of private lifo life and would accept the nomination for mayor i if it were offered him the people of green river are now quite chesty over the fact that they have electric lights the plant having ben been started up saturday better keep kepp kind of quiet though or our municipal regulator will want to sell their plant just as he is trying to sell the and helper plants the editor of the news advocate last made a trip over the soldier canyon road to the prk pak section and he is more than ever convinced the county commissioners made no mistake in placing J D matthews in charge of road work where the roid road has been worked by the eggles ton Matthew outfit it is a n good road and one that will endure if given half halt tue the attention this road formerly required ask any freighter how bow aba road compares with a year ago a or ten years ago and he will fell tell you there is no room for comparison the only pity is that the outfit could I 1 not have been sent clear through to to the if old boozy thinks he can hurt the feelings of the editor of the news advocate by calling him a socialist ci cl alist ho he is badly mistaken while efer efer is not affiliated with the socialist party he would much rather be a socialist of principal than a turncoat democrat masquerading as a republican like old boozy social ests are generally such from principle as there is no financial inducement at present in belonging to a party so hopelessly in the minority but when a missouri democrat turns republican people have a right to wonder what he be got for bis his pop I 1 since nothing so well portrays the I 1 resources of a community as a fur f dr where the agricultural ul and livestock produced can be dis played for inspection it must follow tb thit it people seeking investments in lar land laru u 1 will attend the fairs to see what is raised iu hi a anity this being the case it bebo behooves oves evemy farmer fruit grower and stock raiser to bring his best exhibits to the carbon emery county fair if you are satisfied with the resources of carbor and emery counties your satisfaction by bringing something to adver tise your community if a are not satisfied and want to sell out bring something that will mike melodi so boda want to buy oui out faim |