Show REPORT OP OF CARBON county FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 1918 analysis of receipt july 1 1917 to june junt 1918 t brits fees ft N recorders ee ec orders fees 1443 1 I 3 beeb s b fees noa 1100 is JOS from justice court 05 quor licenses aca pro pra rati pat of St silanes laries 1 72 2 ate jury anil and witness fees itic itay 94 t 0 ies axes 1916 sile sale redemptions kedem potions 2424 4 47 4 00 company tax jedof 1917 t refund transitory beds heds ile ds 97 01 elin quent penalties 1849 surest terest daily balances ft 1278 1271 1 1 ba sate oate fund and 15 ab ills PA ae 0 CO o orest cesere fund 2750 75 ta strays trays 4 miscellaneous Is ellane ca 8 total 3 1102 74 ah on tind july 1 1917 34 88 j 91 9 98 8 6 1 analysis of disbursements july 1 1917 to june 30 1918 J 1 bointy bihler Ol hiers salaries i 1977 4 5 5 61 bounty commissioners expenses 34 general j Epen expenses ses ua 46 boks and W 1512 M 4 premium rem iuni on counte officers bonds 28 8 1 acty urty jail 18 oard of prisoners 1 strict court expenses Expense i ury ary and atnes it ness justice court irenice court pool pooi and dependent mothe 5 18 52 hujing 1601 0 jo O 23 irle flou bouc c and lands 1104 0 ruit iree inspector oi ot 10 ae Inz 1437 75 iaria arm demonstrator register egister of births and deaths 5 Is 90 0 jinice of the peace aal refund miscellaneous 1200 dvork ork on roads and bri briddes IF es 43 ind quarantine 10 1000 GO 1340 13 40 contingent Jon on 1700 election ion lot sand interest kohte tite and school county schools cities and towns tate state bounty state road 19 bord interest 7 state 31 jary and witness criminal 12 warrants taken in previous ears estate keyuna warrants issued prior to july 1 1917 2 00 0 total i A Ls ft wants issued july 1 1917 to 1918 not yet presented for payment 3 total distribution 1 19 cash on hand jul july 1 1918 39 40 46 total 3 bi distribution of funds at close lose of year judgment Judg melt fund 1 chanty school ba fair fund 8 as b count bond sinking fund w county bond fund 1 24 jira J ir ind and witness fund Transi toli tax ta fund 2341 2 state and state school redemption oj fund 5 8 1 1 14 4 stat stati and state school tax ta iund 76 pe city counti aunt general fund poor fund estate fund 0 it 25 state boad fund overdrawn ch on hand june e 30 1918 WW 39 46 51 IS liabilities bo a bat Ai rants outstanding inc state jury and witness warrants outstanding lj 2 74 Or draft 11 7 cash assets glance in alink 4 41 from james wryght V co road bridge bonds ll 11 S 00 die e from 1 District fr pro rata hata of salaries 2 20 j 42 66 warrants outstanding V arants outstanding 1008 10 M barrants Var rants outstanding 19 1009 0 warrants outstanding 1910 1 ou bstanding 1 anding 1011 1911 warrants warran ts outstanding 1912 1011 1 fa outstanding 1913 1918 50 60 40 wan war ants outstanding 1914 1004 wa Wai warrants rants outstanding 1915 1913 2975 75 ww ants outstanding 1910 warrants outstanding 1917 ft warrants outstanding 1918 jan 1 to june 30 i t 22 corint property general assets court hoire build building in and grounds 7 ca poor house anil and grounds count bridges 13 ice aid and a id toola and houa hou a tol Toil houe it 1 CO automobile u too 00 etc 10 k 00 mate of utah count of carbon f as 1 I ernest S anley Ibri iley county count clerk and auditor in and for carbon lou bounty ou nty state of utah do swear that ih it the foregoing is a true unil and correct tat ement of tie te financial transactions trans actions and ton tondi ditona tons of carbon count for the bear ear ending june 30 1018 1918 witness the clerk of sald county with the seal thereof affix d this 1 3 day of july A D 1918 1018 1 ERNES S LEY ownly C bierk and audinot Audi tot oi approved App this ia 1 3 day of july 1918 ALBERT chairman WILLIAM T HAMILTON county commissioner Commissi |