Show tomorrow wu wo all celebrate while all the facts in n regard to the invasion of eastern utah by the utah light power company have nob not been vouchsafed the news aavo cate the editor is of the opinion the determination of this acm puny party to enter this fi fiad 4 may mean mea r much for the building up of carbon and emery counties the people who purchased the news have also purchased the advocate subscription sub crip tion list paying good I 1 money for the same and the news advocate is being sent to many of the th berwer advocate su bribers b if any such eo 0 o dot rot want the advocate they should write the news advocate at price to that effect while we want all the subscribers will not force the we can feet let wo we paper upon those who do not want it failing to bear to the contrary contra the manager will conclude that all 0 advocate subscribers want the news advocate A gentleman who w ho was at the depot tuesday morning informs the writer that he saw a crate of fish with tho the lid off and a million or more flies feasting and wiping their dis ease laden feet on what has ere this become food for residents of price another man reports having seen a dozen half cleaned chickens lying in ID in the sun run behind one of the local hotels with the flies getting in their work on an the fowls with these things going on its a wonder we dont need more than one undertaking establishment if it bob crocke tt fc has used half as much space in his newspapers to boo boost st price as he has to abuse people ho he like price would ie te a m much uch better town |