Show aliu publicity act A from quoit time to ol time owl I it 1 become I 1 U to ol 11 call U attention 11 to 01 ill the le important distinction u r corporation puta mining d property iandol s sat and pile final cial 1 record ah ajo this 1111 m t 3 condition 11 st is illustrated q by the all it more 0 or 10 less ij frequent bumb confusion ouilma eilston eil stin ut in thu al minds of jo some tuo who boid profess sq to ol SAul fI their atall lit ellsa qu in ul advance adul j for example 1 it j may be asked 1 P what do oil you know at about the aill mine having lit IS 1 louis no 6 I 1 am IUD interested jul 1010 ut in this bill nune abtam how AOH many acres laic are there nimi ui in the i hopi to id xinliu company persons who ire am apparently well llam educated ut in other respects often 11 hive at to 01 be reminded tint a I 1 corporation st is ar ju association eimil c v itts by virtue of jo a v state aluig charter nod that lull it 3 can under uch tim charter own doid property Alia like an uv individual jundt altia citizen lullu that stock is st not IOU v pip dividend pua interest tit in such doad property Alia but inq a token of jo interest J lit in the all ploll holding corporation corpora uoti bione tione tu may AD come and or but r bit of lo mining umito real iril aliw lives eail on forever foron ever when a u corporation remits its sit functions ind put lapses t into a v coma 10 or acs out ajo of existence lanly every individual pAir Irn in lit the atil corporation is st to ol that detent similarly for 10 which reasons ili the vid prospective aads all purchaser of in a stock it to oi himself to oj find pug out inn about tin corporation cortin po ration if jl that does not jou look 1001 to ol him what lull folly must 11 he acl in ut looking farther with an ur eye aso to oi finding out mo about a progeny which the wil company owns sumo or jo pro oid festes to 01 control 6 L 1 I he boll and put ot 10 a mining allu company have too often brov en themselves wati baalas the ill very aja rock upon which an ull investment split the wll bist I 1 mining doid property Alio in ut the aill orld canno t transmit ib menta to ol the dull hapis st that lull hold ploll it 11 there I is 1 lit in this sty country v 1 quite 0 notorious promoter who conducts v estem ss tem that ivill promises absolute safety to oi his clients he I 1 ol 01 makes a aaili blow about his sill properties s1 1 s which are nia undoubtedly well llam selected apa for datil prosperous looking holding ell have fooled c um 1 he 11 is 1 mir alvas cr Q lad to oi botiz them to oi the ay public but inq when it coro to 0 the atit matter ot in al accounting that si is a ver different in thie n i ought to 01 make atil i badoi giua siua cn ry the company another case liht be cued of jo n u lare corporation which operated a v cry meritorious eddo do jd abitu mine the ii at company sold jams and pur paid pied dividends and pur all lie aj jhb while the atil market was kept wan awilow by the of 30 detary stories of lo this copper proposition and put its ri production the fact is st that icy the copper mine s t n t aak was about all that juill the officers claimed 11 p for it but inq they did not IOU own it after U poor deal leap of 10 0 from the al daily mining record this coin piny confessed that it 1 merely possessed a ump contract lavi to ol purchase the aj juita mine and that it I 1 biml an uc obligation of 10 more thin half a v million dol lop lars the th inand the corporation was another the officers of in this corporation lu uj had pam by v stock swindle in ut another state if jj the aill square test ism of jo publicity cannot be favorably applied to 03 a U corporations orp orations affairs lie sAut investor jol should stop there 1 he should brace boels further bursua son sal 1 rii ie applei s ith adsa espedal jet amplus 1 oi all lie corpora unions lut ait oit with fully pird stock under the liwe of jo 13 states all and pile tit tint it do OP not IOU a e any q C affecting 1019 staci issues sati equally ab nb alev lut im st is the al of jo a v company ti ol scatter its sli ires rather myri widely tor jol when catl v 1 corporation has soil more than a limited ed number of jo stockholders ind pur aviti mutually Allu acquainted abat lull a p it I 1 q becomes a public institution and put jabur to the tests which the public impedes upon it j |