OCR Text |
Show rieS STEER, 'With: omawl)1t ,spnt; XSf btandfd VStilriliffon rJght'borh'an.Jllfg; VU branilonlright hip. t .. . v-. 1., V' " :fl8.1r' ' ' ' iWtlJ CreK-Word;. Dcscrel iAsricnltHml -and -M aiiu a-- - .facturiitg Society.) .- I. HBUEDY glvft notice lliat vili,.Jie ,on' , E acH&H.or one,Pf ctlUput afid -fx..pfreci6f' lii fimVilje hnaid of Jliei j)?erei AirfuflftUrsl ,0id SUiwrciiti!n?S,floiyior Uir enjiilnirjfcat,,n the i SoAl IMI, in" 'Grwit SaltXilje City,, on SatimJay, JMiarr;I3,lS5(, at l.iwn, A pRC-Inal pRC-Inal otfcndinifce of ilia rinjiil)?rif,n SgCfyjy if m nested.. . JBy .crSer of ilia Ui.ara.. . --- iiomas nuw-Qcat, .',;L..XJ')',.bc,.ii7l9j3( J? 2t"c.tetry AWIfllXISTBAT.oh'SSAI B- Y virtue f.a order pCl1,Bli'(','ai8-c'ur9? 'awat.at La.Conutywtll.K0''1 ot PU.ULtG AUCTION;. eHSiufdayjJaniuryltti, IfiWiat the.Subseritier Avi? OfrlCK EiilT1"-IjlSlreet', EiilT1"-IjlSlreet', 0". Sj:.' Cl hS jolowerg dyoO0d BABBrft,Ei..f9tV;n(G a. L.CityH-c'1! The UO.viESTEAU,e0Kiilii'S of ooo fme, ,Dwflinjf.lWwe, wl,fioi!iWd;.tvitIta good-well good-well of w-antt'ba-door, ncomaicdioui Suijf Ontl!ou4t:Vf;,VvifntKej;ptpiiilut CoutaiutHgaoni.eiwpiind liatf MCieB yf, lud, situate. situ-ate. fHfJU'Ji .Ward.1 , , ; AW one Vmi.lt- DWELLING ' ItOSE. and full Lot, In wM Wa'rdaotl Viie'ijHiall HOUSE a)i(ratirtwrMtateiniiieiflttHr?Tri,'Gra, Il,t5itri tegeLber'.wUhone;Bi'Qd PUnoforte.j ' AIso,ftCjbrn.i' Uo;'fttiU place, .jll:.li'l iliufoUttwine'CaWgaeof LAW nOOKS,It 10 oleUSwt! Mcair4,kbi. f 0 Kicdd'a Abili'tcmenK-a C$waii' Treat fr,6.1f ill RenorLyla ty. VarPtl Dejifo'iiMtn'911! ;t S'broriJllroiri?i!6ryJNateej l;di.fln DathrieuW,, 3 Ciu(V Ufcoal,-l HatnmanJ'a ltepOtt9,TliU-lpiEiloice-i Wco pigeat, 1 iroejida orj. Fra.ir,4 G-man's --111. Dlgeft, KjfnntaV fcajy ,Corripe'mti'tt8i. r,CJntty I'leadipff.a. jt'otUc leron Cii)iwcS; l lJUleV qnBilU. t htarjd? on: StaVdar. 1. powef) on DertaeSi 3 Ctittiyort Ml, I 2iEplnaio!'-Niii,Pdo, Mn. 6u:EvWnc 13. Ohio RporJ;,2 D'.iida'a IVacltc'3 CliltlyV rieaaipKVitArflibaW'a dA,-l;Gfepjdeaf;n .fcyl-dence, .fcyl-dence, 2lllaekitomiVConunntadfe;.';3 Totnllu'a 1 ViW DiaioooTjvI :rbJHii on Eldeiic,2. Story EqaUy.?IadluKlll:tKlnoie'. K.VM?tonenwp la,;iD sAinVfleao .JnrUWaACbltly'a rComrao.i Lal 'Story ori Balfheht;;&e- 1 'Sale fri commence: at .1 Vc.ldek,p,m., on aW day ,ihM.UU:udnce .will be glifenj and conditions condi-tions ihada'kho.wBiby-' . 4"-i-Vi! W; 1; APPLEBY, AdmlnUUator, &c. ,.N.D AJt peraoui indebted to,. tUa JEalato of A."VV;tMMU, Eq.,"deceaied, on:ho'qf band, renl, or other wle. ar& requested to make fmme dialoT)aymenltAnd nny'ono having books belong- . Inirao.nld estate In hlr poMeaaipn, loaned-or otberwUe, ire, nqtiested to return Ihem to ma i mrotdUtely, - ? 15 4t w A- A GOOD FAR3i;56tles rioofl ,Thr4 Milt Cfeikvfor aIe,.o tq, fichanieforl ipaMOflal bf city- prpfity;. ,Ehqulr. of AS.rf , faikWlthVflVoar.ttfnfifioVtJuatFt'. ;. &Ti&t, iii'lETifVjE' ilj'iif-'l ; . $AiA :"?,.;'V WATClfiMJlKKn AND- JEWELER, i EtiTtntlife'Hairkefft' iVfll. Kft tebreihrtli f and XrlentU t Utety for thoetm liberal pay I' roriRftljailar,eilvfo;: durinjt lb "tfitea years! fiosi lie. (ins dune bttlnea,lt ihWcifjr, and Iope byifctitteiitiofttofUtulns,ariil ecitine wotk ro lbs" best posaibte inahnof.. w contfnlio to rcctH e ' liberal ahara of tha ptjbllc palrotlaBei, '. III, atockiU of tha 1et imality, , Walcb. glaaes Injetted . from cent to 75 cWu each.. Gold and Silver, Watebea, Old Gold, Silver, tit.t purchased at a liberal pctcd f6r caah. Orncu on East Teronle StteetJ oppoffleJWr.l Nxo 8l6re,',Wel aide, G. 8t L. Cliy. i . , ". WV:BALLAN, JN.Bf-iAU bereonai Indebted to me, afe w-; quegled to trlaka immediate natmcnt: , ;t ' llr-i''!,-! - , m ' '? - --.lr- r'.-ri-.i -rJ. ". TO IrtEKCli,iNTB,A OTtlEICS. . :joun Bj maiBen ". XtA.K to lb COLLECTIOrf OF ' XV ACCOUNTS throdgbout iMe Territory, ' atid any Qilier bitsine (tiat iimyba entrusted to h( care, 'on rt.qnabl t'orinS' , Being Traveling Agent for IhrftrcuTjtfNrBn,: . any Afcouiiia left nl the oflio-of .that paper, Will bo duly for Hhrded nhd atfended lov 13-tr " , inr-'rtAr Vast,., ' Til B un3erigfled,bav)ba hatl n long experience In.tha'bumesv Would repctfn!ty liifoirft hift'f lenls pin! the people ofJUt&b generally, that he li oil b'andto walte.outj . t " ; POWERS OF ATTORNEY XBASES, RTiqt.E;tiBiAattEEME:r, ,andlifVtber'db9"iirri"eaUf lilocharcter W lv dl'i'LlCATWNS . Foii irENsioxs? : i. . rs-muwYmw -sc -;:x;'v andathir cllni8bn'GoernrJienr,-WiSde outoriihe Buorttat 'notice. , -j4.rfJ 7 .. . Ub a conit'e..td wJtlt'reriTsibl'peroi;ii,who ,wlplromridyiVfe-nd6;tlie'i..,- :.t -' :J.-.i In lhe fjjitttd'-8fafe,iTudVrrripe?1?iv - 'Ko-ctifirei inad'ofor oIyi',,''',')(, bi may beable tocoinmuiitcafe o'ri th lubjecjajtoany' pf reon who riiaj Tavoifhiiii ttt'a calU ; , , V By a.ftrtct and rlilld attention. to bltirnea'a Jit b"ope(rl'Aceii'e Atiberal ehare cf publfcpatton-."age- for rifcrcnce in regaril toootnpelence, tm fegrlty and just, deajinp, refer tar any person who 'ha&.beeu iciiuaiiiled wltli him for Uia laat, ten ot .fifleen.Vears' -T- t&A, . .- -- , . J-k. -t 7 OFPICE Tti Geo,, Crooyn - & Ooa Store, len of the fatg T,? Temple Street, G..S.. LVCltyV ' mllE underaigned has tccelved anaasortmant f t- 'of -SiocorTV celebwied .GUTEETlfi . 11b la' riow prepared to aeeoinmodale-'ajicU as , may call onliiro.SvUhfrom'quo.lo tffulUaet on Gold Jlate.,. vv- rti ' t w ,JAS.:M-BARLOW,... ,, i;V : Clock arid Watch' Maker, . ; t ,J vBrat hbus eaVK ba D'eaeiaL Storo;. -4itt a.s.cuy .-. i .. ..j- . r-.;.y -. f-rifi. Mhimr'jitAKER 1 rUMER AN&.iiUAlR'MAKEIlj v v Spcond:door aoutlt'of Suryeyor Gencrapa'Ofllco,: .r. pN W.ESTTBMPLE STREET'- " P MRBIRD i ptepare4 fo eiectJlo all oplera .entrusted to MirMn a.fimshed,y.orkrnan-41K a.fimshed,y.orkrnan-41K jhantier.-vfle has.on hand,a.lrj5o aupply, of: 7welseaowd" JlonrjtainJ:.Alahd"garty and will furnlahlo.order promptly, - i-s-s.f ,r-V v- 'i-;irfvTEir.ALLT?';BALXS,',;-.'r; kov'NTttfa 4iioijisB:;-- rvmjzu?, ; V fcflMLKljm .CANEp'; and every arjlcleT;li Lis hna'locraUfy-lhs'rnpst" fastidloititaaleiiv- ' - tAci1iirjiiiW-' XT ' C"J"ACK30N ilf U pn 1ih'd loaccom-jLTI loaccom-jLTI faoole hia. filenda and cilMointrS at Lis Out.-SlamL.ieat. HALLO'S UAJjL, whete ho hupea,"by alrTct, altentlorr to bualuesa, to be"-wo'rihy be"-wo'rihy Ih'fpsirona'ge f itrvb.o"waiit good work done Account of1 looj t'Uhfllng will becpllecled without fail A biut tothei wtaa ia anlllcltnt. -13itt. - . . t - mo uk (iooi)s: LBV.I tSTEfARTi AGAIN BEFORE . .TllE J?EQPLfel. . . HIS.STORE Isathls nwetlinrionaeinthe "Eth Wardon Ilia Plate "lload.lwheja to oilVrs for a'afe a generaluiaorlment of consiallnl; o(a iyeil seiepled art'l tuperlor atock ot mii' OOQDB fAK'ii "itiBiOCEBIES. Reeling thahkful forpasit, pftftOwyie, 1a jo-l:clfs,"tUa jo-l:clfs,"tUa t'avorabla atiejitlon1 o hij friends Mo-liUvprnentStock.: Mo-liUvprnentStock.: -Vni 'PrSrTJioie knoWfoij Ihei'neelvei ihdaMed to, LV Stewarl,. Slevvar?" ,B'ff, "L,'..;Sfev'ar( Co., will pfca tall and aettle their acqounta; ?v?st..;.fi , stbwartI ' , IfAIllttTOItSAIiiT, - 0?It to'ba Lei, n;Kay, Wai3; 'conlalnlrg 4tf 1 acre. 13 We j of which are enoloiedpa-. tur'aee, all ftt the.nelphbor.hood of a good range foritock. fAgWd.Wdbe'houa(,onilHef.1toonie.. ind, atabla -oti. It; ,Tha houne rnaff be.ocedpled v. .;7.- vIiOBK KAKEIJIV, 4 Nertiioor twrti. eflJt'mgteni'DeH tf C.H StarJ RICHARD GOHbHTLYefiio (Imutfifi pa(r-oIiJ1ge -and.tollsil. arj iu8pHon of Wj pf-Unt pf-Unt attck ofCrackerf.;&o..f " kind or .wblcll, ,tU.. Mdfc.. CracUer.,, JJulter Crackeis.Tloaton CracUeM.and Hard'read he Jiaa a large quaf)tiy lray oo hand. tf hat emfrjinU'aDd olhera cannsiupplled. wllb;i! choree stock-of tha ataffof lifevtnaiiuracturedpf ths' Deit'- 'ihaterH-Jiridiatv ntodwate prtcfsi.at a momenfjiiiotlce- ta- j5vii;f Jsr FINE LIGHT UEATttg Hot at 5 p.nvevSry ,day. Pound ; .C.ke, AY eddhg Cakee.Sugar Cracker, Cakeaf Uune Abwrnethy, wine, ahtl-dype"ptIcand ?oda Cracka rnado lo order on fbol notice r ;v . llye Bread three Mpe! a weclf. , , jT-tf 1 THE un.lerjlgne.l reajwetfiitlyaimoiiore that - MM r they. hav opened BKC.M.ACTOIIY;. . . Tfl In thatSod irir3?3 tfock !6nW WOttm JM on Em!grHtluneetjWlro(hyqftreHd ling" - , a ood article otbrooaM had te.ley , ' NaaaV will alao take broorii'Cotkt work itp,oaliareJ ' ' 1 iHK Artarorircpatron ;., M 2-tf HENRY TltlBK; S .... IflU ' t. . 'AiafeiVjrS' tjpjeitf'8-" ' ' v S, , iji BEALERja J9RY GOnClS an .(lpCB; ? 7i llll E3, Wrug,. JPattits, O.ia, Gias utf&ya"" . r I M poors, shoes, mts, cApTctdm' ? . f iAO, stationery, ic: , 5 ; 111 TogeUier with " ' 1 ,-'5 ; .' JfiiH iooiTHaWMrdYS.l'-;-t;-' ;; Ifl REMEMllERlT'IlE'FtORElCMiSt)RK, C "V jfjl 4tGae'DdoVhortfcbM,Bfr,fcRu --v. B ; flWI .Nov, 2. 1959; tf, ALEX. 0,. PYJPERV v ' IM AND SOlklTOR JN CllAKCERYf ; r , j WILL attend (olha collection of lJehui!- " " ' - " wll Cralm,&c.,ldtheTeltoryof Ufahi 1 'fijEj Power of Attorney f.'r the States, Canada, ; Mfkn and Europe (linder the Enelijb Law of; Primo- MI tjenltoftf. ,or othervrle), Deedf,Sond,v!Morti- . ' Mm cape, Bill of S4lei,.Ufclara!lon for. Bounty; Wm Laiul Warrants, Pettsloov Indian ctalmiLeaaef f, imsw &p.f &c, drawn up legally and1 witl dljpahTii 7- - L?fiil cdunael ven free of chargr, where ha v ' 7 - ' i ; ' lyQ xecittea,thB: papeta. ',:,)iC-rv ft " Jipi Havlrig had somo twenty yearsTrttic.4thftV'-i ? fijel bnslnes,'h'wnrrant$ alfpapera executed Vyjilnr,-." . 1 Hill where ih.,clalrn iJiiat a4 Informati6hbTreet,.'- . 7; Mmi ;-Bilff made, out Bp6ka,.poa(f d, &q4. . 7 .. J ,. " -i .-? tfafM". WSA'i.. " i'fa. ',- l''" .'tOrFicRjri,, MP. Ballai, Watch andjewelrjr - -l ; fsmi StoteiEjat Temple, Sneeti Mt lde,. GtS. . - H y--: ';-- -rr; j6-?- T .. jii 'il7tcBrferin'Brny fbaiik!UhWe7rleBdwlid ! ' ,SK. X;,haklnd5r tesppbded to siy, late-call ,f or. . ' fSfif .paytheat,.! beg reapeetf ally to notify allwho ; - ffikit are.'eimlKrly ltttebfed to roe.; for prof e alor;l7.M v ' -SHtF aervlce's,'tlmt Wear7 Fetguaori & B(at?arei... ' 7, PsMfJ hereby flppomted my legal Agent, and-that alt, - . , MIL outitandlHK accountaaiehereafterto.be paid to ; - SmffL Ihelr Collector,, Mr-Jobn, B, Malbenv wbq. ia''i-, .. ; " V t'authotUd to receipt fortbeaarne, ' . t. if.SI ,. T ,(77 ! ' . WM. FRANCE;,D.!'--i -- . .Wi ; G.S L.CHy,.De;. l,185D. . - "VlMf 7 Afix, v-a'n'd' s j'tT-'iif ; ' :S 'fAViNG.reMnlil'retuVn , JL.gtatea, WUb t JBrK superior apply, ot ' . 4B iitiiai'fSili And ,6elnR'; fullyA prepare .with; tTool,;,and'; 7 . first cl8a;wecha'nfcs,';reapeclfully' alc their old". H friends ;to7call; and aeeahpm and renew thll1 B1! patronog, oniV Invitotboie who' have not given; tfc tlelr Qck and mcIiauVclaliiUa trial,to cttiland: A;.; lF aeethemV- " A'"4 . " ' --fjBvJw, ' ,'- .7 Triey llkewiaa olIcil:"ihe favorable; attentloa: - - w! or their frlenda, and the pubUc lu gtjBeral,to; their, "J 1 Lr vatlety'of ' v ' -""'"i. " " " xiiABSo.srE AiiLdit ..sxatEsM,. !? .' W v, AND HARBE;':V- ' to their f election of - t- , , 7;', as also to.thelt; cliolce.colfecUonlof -GROCErilES.WINESBlUYi'of . v loffeUyihXesaieorre -Mjb j'N.Ttl-Tljey, Have alio arfarga jamoy'trtof ' ' . -'. $!L CATTl,E'on handrWhtoh ihfcy aira , willing to " Sum sail for cnalr or exchange for ;tfheafi"s'h6tf?. , ,t !v STAIIVE2 ' fe fJAVINGlalelyVreceiveds'fr . 'tlrl XI .aeaotfed Stoek-ofv 4 U , kfcTi"! fiMSt ; -M E R- 0 H A''N-'D";fJ SE' i Hflfi Ihetuding Bonnet TtlbbonaV LadleiBells, Glove, Uoitry, and a Varhny'cif, tiotldnj,' niaklnir "our af Stdcknovir 'finiplele'-wlthgoodiWrtrabw1 ;4r$ thia inarkeUJ :W atlll ,;otT;rithe aame at ouc .uiualty. loW,price.,; I , t , yyp iXhm x iMat UirAsrrrrv-br'.':- .7- -ti WtrS Itlanltets.V OrciSkif ts,1 Comforts? liS flfcu's Cleuiltiiri, . VMator-Sfcirts? Sft'- UraM'crs, tf npts Jeans, -, , .t .-g which we offertal reduced price. t7 V.-irT vAYe;would caU'lbe; attenlIoD -of , tho ,Farmer .. WfM ftoour 5' '' " w - a . , ,p: ati.' 'M smfc5 411 Slal aH4 Bar Steel at 3 C, w; 1V .1 fil qfar. Stock of BOOTS atid SHOES. Sri'oW4 1 jfo p .7 " .'W ainesneedhAm;IcoV . ; i q.s. l, Cjty,Nov.25, JewX 41 U-iei .. , I A-Mt'i7 a bw Ejrtf r o;if 'h-ig; 4it ,r - "j ' "j'-,Be?,rsEs--' -ILkIk I Q OC1AL ;PARTIES,will. be held in.Jndepesu ' te O .de'nce Hall, on Main St.;. oppos'ila - Vln. ftli !Nloney'Ionday BWrilng.tbnirpenclBg At ' " ; " IgJW 7 VclocKor7partleurra, apply to -Alexander" ! , Wjm Daf ( at .tha Hall: Ref reriinftBta sapplled at, rail . -. ;M? hour; owasariabl ttrrrts,; . y j&jAT$gi'ji . -v "IIAVe' piace4 hh&r6t-tm')t&1tordi ;4i'lnt-:thX hrid'OP.aohB, i vSlti' collection.1 'All peraooa Indebted wllthrafojf 1. v ifl oblige iflttby.ieitlinp with, Jilutnimedlfttely.f L ,' afiall .rtqutre JntereaC on"accjJiinVofiToHttianiJi . S 1ft Si fcg!; - ?l7-3f r- 8AMLBR1NGIIUR8T il 7V7,:wc. (. -t ; I BEG l?ave;,io Inform uwj.tfrJtond, trjdtthel ; ,po)Uc generally; 0,,1 ;havtt !Urtd'-jtp, ; - aSvicea.cf JoiwTowcu., odecf (heHjt Mjners ?. -41! tdtJ.ronndjttTeriltofyPiraviDgljad- ?WJk sia'faWfrxpe'rlerice; bcntanutWl . 3 Ji WprUl$th',firstlyleGJf.Ja,VA4:J?.i ,.Jl ;i-.TS? ;il OaSUteBohalf.blackortbofEmle 7 7 Street, and oppOsllaemuB.l? ' |