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Show oruiiantjjceno.. . olsewli Hrt.v.;.,'ifim,NM .... . - ptiCM, VABIETIES. ?a Walter' 'Epitaph-" (Domlre, tJoinlng p uclloneer'a, Epitaph i-"GoiDfj Ooln "JlT- J 'dealing la the bdnor of. man's nature; " " 'm iixturevof faliehoo'd Ja jlkVallay-Ja' gold er, whlcti may make, tha- mclVl work ut jtd ebeth Jf. . , riH. paper, ilescrlbtag, a .lafe tlneJ.iayi of the cotflhaiahti' was n.hot thrOugjt this: . , j wrt ohlie tiirgh bone.'' "5 ,'. . -'- . - ' -li A. Sli c out for patnt;",'" thegln said, when lSAli vwenUdiljs'her. :-. ' full-hooped lady to lake a seat In an Ir. It cuH be done. -1 the actretg in the world arc tiljcloBeil to Qff,ceA at those who powesa ihem may ,le tithe! and mi know that they hold them. . Thoi " ' ' r' - speed, ad too vigoro'na.abd active serves only to e the body to which it U joined, aa the ,U,P jewels ore' aoonest founitto wear, tbelr . . '-, '--.- -.;. r.-- .prom I i . 1 - ' : " , '" 'H- . r is a . good bwoch'to "wear In a man'a ilalfUmoa, .' '. . ; ' Fare ung man who, received-a "blowing ' "jup" ' AH J s-aweetheart, retoited;ty .calling Jier; a c?ai&e sa. . . io.li a cOMhfr'yvgirl,.deicHbiiig' the country. . ve rawe oiif own fruit and veRetahles, ir own pork, and lay-our own ga,- rf-,. .-- rl-' iodenlable, says Prentlcej thatln Amerl ' kea:rr'to mafteVpUt--he,,ahe, and a f lri."ll4d. Adam .beena modejriftnerr ppar iaye.beena lilred.glrl.ia pjradba to look tie Abel arid '"rilse'Caln.' Stap rUhloQer Inquired 6f tils pastor the mean- cic Iliia Hne In Scripture, "He was cfotW Rt tj8 rfaswit!iaVarwtii "H.slgriines' irict' the dllni !!that that Individual had got denllp; ofewearlnsi" 11 Pfro111 r aeo yo i years ago, H J j enld, a parly was Irav O i n Stsge tbrongUHhe" Jerieyiplnei, and. the dittanco ,Wlut they supposed Was the . , f a log House. Po. appj-TOcblrgJ Ihey. MR t was trio skeleton of a' mosquito which ' rverl to dealhi tbo .fleslx having fallen x,diea iitbontsV 4. ' .' " . ' ' ' fashlo Id lady, meeting a Catabrldg man atked "" her nephettr; behaved hlniself. Trhjy, TV , ,".ay he, heya'bravo Mlo w, andstlcka, Catheriio Half," (napie-of a collfge,) i'"aj sfie, ?J feared as mncli; he was hankering afle'f the girls' froti.a boy."" ItCM inomv An li Wtman roalritalned In cori XTtT at Ihe. sun dfd.pot, make hia revolution , - . io earths "JJuf how then," said onoMo jAg it posilblethat liavlrig reached the West, rije io stti,;he is seen to.rlse iu ttie east, if ib ally r ,;pas un'dnitlt, the globei' j'Wo'w. ur you are,M replied this obstluata Ignorant 'vV' ieSturns iha same way and ff It be not sortmi d,'(t' Ia'ott account of ills' cdmlng fcack hy c',,( Alpaci anltyiflmmanlire Is like a. ilver.con-massing ilver.con-massing away, and yet constantly com- tn0'ngV. riir. BooK-woau sd his wit. "clot 'o deep scholar ald his wlf', duroya' Would that I were a book, my llfo! "edy M me ydu then would some'lmes look. non! ut I would.be the very book ro 'hat you would mostly wish to sei A f lien say, what volume ahould t W Doaf An almauac,' sad he. "my' dears' ou know we change them'evVy year," . C, S |