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Show --, . f Utah. "; Tite IpttatXt Wiishincton corrcspbn dent;, writing, on tIicioth,says--,,.Mr Ilaitnctt, lat(j, secretary of Ui'tih,, w,ho ed a, fevr Unys; slce,ai.St.Xquis, ;rc signed his fcorac weeks b,efore Ilk dnth, being bwarb of Ins physleal Condi tiort. jJudes'OnHtlsbigh ud . Sfytlajr: are lire,;una Juaj;e Islckv'ls. haying resign cd, thefe; nri mJW ho judges tn tho 'errii toryf Unless. 11 r, keLscoiilihuhtlq not until his' successor is appointed. Tfee other; Fj;dera ttfRecrs how oit auty.hi M Utli arbjGbv.crtio CuAv ming and Mr; Dolsou.i the Marshal. The. tnilifary; 1'inving, jiSst beeii Ordered to the lexieau froiUier,.wfil levo the. Territory wliblly iu; the power oT thb Jlormons, w.lucli fe, pretty gbbil evidence that they arc not thttbio&twuridy people in the world.. Mr. ilooper, .dele i gatb from- tttah wilt, preltiut inetoriats I to the House $ a few days, uskiiw lor : tlie' establishment of n JaiUt tmtee iu Ulaji, mid tlicr; extension to that, Territory of tha pri'empliou. rights ns. grau'tedl id other Territories, He has also a rntfmbrialbefdro thu-.eonjiuittce, oji lTtblic Laiid, asking that the UvfXittjfii Tirtylhird' Congress, grautinjj .onD liupdred and sixty acres of jun.U to aetutd setlk-ts ttittit!) Territory of i ewlextco, bbiextended. to Otah;" i J(f a sttb'itjucnt despntcltiihefiame'cq rcspquUeitt&iyj:'----. ' ; ' '! . ''i learn that Mr. l)0t? oaf hng'rcsignedw Tho.i(elegate of .Htali Tbrritor hfis lib kndwiegeithat.judges.Cradlebaugh and; SjuelairJivo been: m"a'Hl,- Und denies the statenieut of;a(2New Ybi;l . prifitj that he-jiu&had;uH iutefview. or Iws mny way.bceu.couauUed by .the". President relative re-lative tq,ju4icful .appqJlUlhejits, la HtalK' .Jt-' Jiav,q. ,6 ,aqobt,;ibwfevef, . that these Jildgesw;illj;ith'eres vAIfuUiajjjtO'tb,e state1, of ttaattcrs iihrc, heBay;'TJjo;!,present? 'difficut'tics iu ,Uitah iij-o acoutiatiatioh of the'difTerencea W jiigh arbertv'e-citlthe iUitary;. and dyU.uthoriticXQWin tScoVulfcjVrMii'' Uuctiqos;;r'fj,TTih.ft diflerenCies! loi tfcentbq OqverHor ;and.,irniy-,ao;tiow-. ,trauerrtHl;fwni 1 tuearmy:totlieVudiciuryi GbverdorCunimitigiid not concur; lb thclc lews of pqticy. Judge Eckels .has fesigiictl. nnd it w iitore -than proUable lhaV Jjintlalt ,'anfclCraaielbaugh ;. -' ' V.- "f, , ' ' ..x:-- ft |