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Show I ili recent Yf jc:i!n;j un.li.-r tno now aui-! aui-! piers. cApci t. it i . iaid; to apply it gen-1'i-ah.v to :.h. p strort UluuiioaTion, i and viicy stole tli.it wbiic the conveying I e-t no io !. than r..as, the cxpeiiM- of jlluniiiiatioii will be one-twelfth the j p.'.c of the latter licrht. The current i l,t elif-tri.-ity in p6M.iri(r throufrli the t-.vo pl.v.-s of cliartoa wleli form the j lok's of the lii-enit, anj are excluded I from all acee-.s of air, rives, in this j ease, it is said, nn intense and beautiful white li?lit, witli the effect of daylight to i much preater extent than the litue VIck'S, and havinp- this advantarre, that it is sustained anil continuous. If Messrs. .Staite ,t Pctrio can thus produce a steady and sustained light, they have accomplished what has hitherto been the preventive to the substitution of falvanisru for gas. The Mechanics' .Masaaino states that this one light completely eeiip.,ed ten pas lights and ox hydrogen. The gas companies had better look out. The dissatisfaction of the piddle with their mismanagement may have begotten a rival destined to oolipse many mere than merely ten of their gas lights." THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. It 'Was Kxhibitetl jn London Forty-Three Vc.ai-3 Aeo. The Scientific American calls attention atten-tion to an item published in that paper December 9, 1S4S, which will be a surprise sur-prise to many, as it' is generally supposed sup-posed the electric light is a .production of the present decade. The following' is the item:' '.' '- yt- "The inventors of a new electric light, exhibited at the Western Literary institution, Li ice -ter square, London, on |