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Show . William llichey is contemplating . moving to Muylield. To morrow is Kaster Hun-lay after which the hens will have u rest. Mr. Hurms, an old timer at the case, gave us a helping hnnd this week. Tan will not throw it away. Mrs. S'alhaniel Crawford, the new baby boy's mother, is doing well. Miss Anna O1--0D, who has been vUit-irg vUit-irg at Mount Pleasant for two weeks, returned home today. J. N. Johnson of Kphraim called tc-lay. tc-lay. He has charge of the Kphraim roller mill, and reports business as pushing. The ruining excitement has somewhat some-what abated at present, yet there is 110 telling how soon it may be stirred up by new finds- An obituary notice was handed in for publication this week. It was mislayed or swept 0 it by our devil. Can another copy be furnished? It is rumored a motor line will Jhe immediately constructed between Salina and Richfield. The boiler and eugine to run the dynamo are now at Salina. Martenus Jenson of Sugar House Ward made ns a pleasant call to-day and procured a year'a subscription to the American Farmer by paying a year in advance for Tue Skntinf.l. The last page of the correspondent's letter from Fairview last week which contained his signature was lost in this office and we did not know who wrote the same. We have since learned who it was, and The Skntinri. vouches for the truth of every statement made in the communication. Ferd Kricksen the chairman and lr. Woodring the secretary of the Sanpete democratic societies are hosts in themselves. They are actively engaged in organizing Sanpeto and will soon have an active club organized in Fountain Foun-tain (ireen. They have the republicans on the run in noithern Sanpete r nd are cutting and slashing the enemy. Justns Royden of the Pyramid, has taken unto himself Miss Nora Jorgensen of Mount Pleafant. May their "takes'' prove "phut," their "proofs" be without "error" (or "rings"), their "niake-nps" easy with no "feathers" left on the "column rule," and their "imprefsiou9" "even" in tne "press" of .time. And when they are "throwing in" for a "new-issue," "new-issue," this journal hopes the "matrix" will "lift" and may they never make "pi." However, if the "form" fails to "lift" apply a "dntchman" and "lock up" tighter. Justus Hoyden and Nora Jorgensen, bath of Mount .Tleasant, John Hector and Julia K. Searles, of Loa. Pinte county, coun-ty, Pauiel Y. Shepherd of Springville, and Elizabeth E. Monsley of Provo bench. Ferdinand Schranmm and Pauline Schwab of Tayson, Nathan Miller of Price, and Lilly Stalling of Ogden, and Emery A, Stewart of Fair-vibw, Fair-vibw, and Mary C. Chriatensen of Mil-burn, Mil-burn, were granted licenses to marry by John P,eid,the county clerk, this week. To-day's base ball game at Kphraim between Ephraim and Mount Pleasant, resulted in favor of the home team by a score of 30 to 19. The following are the n nines and nnsitions nlaved bv the MANTl. As ft cartoonist. Waller Stringham takes the lead. Oar editor took a dying trip to Provo on Wedcesday. ' Murray of the Enterprise n'aue us a brief call on Monday. The base ball Loys go to Gunnison to play ball to-day. "Ma" Miekelson made this ottice a a pleasant call this week. Attorney Whiteeotton of Provo was in town the early part of the week. Dr. Kessler of Salt Lake City was one of our callers on Monday. Steps are being taken to organize, a stock company and build a race track. Mr. James Clinton of Nephi was seen on the streets of Manti this week. ' What abont bonding the school district dis-trict for a new school house? From the looks of the county court bonse on Monday, one would think that but few men were left at Ounnison. Carl Goldbransen oLjUchfield has been visiting friends in Manti this week. Oar sanctum was graced on Monday by the smiling countenance of .Miss lone Fox. The district schools opened on Monday Mon-day with a goodly attendance in all departments. Mr. and Mrs. John K, Metcalf spent Snnday last at Gnuisou visiting with friends. Mr. Odell, manager of Cc-op Wagon and Machine company, was in Manti on Tuesday enjoying the mud. : Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sperry returned from the capital on the 1 2 1 Ii inst. where they have been attending conference. The train on Monday night was nearly three hours late on account of an engine en-gine being disabled on the main line. C. A. Swalberg of Gnnuison was one of our callers on Monday last. He reported re-ported everything as being quiet iu our sistor city. On Wednesday the hydrant at the city hall got out of kiltsr and furnisned plenty of fnn as well as water for the .school children. Prank Pickering of the Payson Enterprise Enter-prise is about to publish a directory of the theatres, opera houses, newspapers, and hotels of Utah. was well rendered. The Yonug Men's band then furnished the audience with a treat that was appreciated, so much that ere the close of meeting they had its play the piece a second time. IJa Lowry's recitation was well rendered and much enjoyed. Miss Watt and others then sing, after which President Presi-dent Nelson made a few timely remarks. This ending the program the meeting was adjourned until the first Tuesday iu M,:y at S p. m. The benediction was pronunced by President Nelson. Good or ler prevailed with the exception of a little disturbance caused by two little boys who persisted in throwing mud. The apricot trees are in bloom. The republicans are soon to have a drum corps. The honey bee is out giving pointers to the meddlesome. There is soon to be a foot race between two of Manti's fair sex. The fields are beginning to look green and the farmers are smiling. Mrs. Eva Madsen Sorenscn of Mount Pleasant is dangerously 111. Manti will have a greater building boom this spring than ever before. Special rates to Ogden on the Rio Grande Western the last of this month. The next democratic convent'on will 'be held at Ephraim on April 23. The horse race to take place ou the 301h is causing considerable excitement in town. J. W. Souter express route agent for the Rio Grande Western was in town yesterday. ' Mr. Parry informed this paper that be will soon begin work on the temple terraces. Sheriff James Burns of Moant Pleasant Pleas-ant will reside at Manti nntil his tenu of office expires. The services of Robbie Anderson has been procured by the wool association as book keeper of the firm. StriDham aud Stiingham took a snap shot at the special train yesterday as it pulled into the depot. A Gre in Tokio, Japan, last Snnday destroyed over 0.000 of ' horsey and at least fifty lives were lost. Herman J. Christensen, who was thrown from his buggy last week and his arm fractured is able to be oat. The choir practice on Wednesday night was conducted by W. B. Lowry in the absence of Professor A. C Smith. The Mount Pleasant boys will meet the Kphraim boys in a friendly game of base ball this afternoon at the latter named place. Mr. John Crawford and family wishes to extend their sincerest thanks to all who assisted them in anyway during their late bereavement. There is to be a horse race on the 30th of this month at the race track over the river, between Thomas Boyington's roan horse and thd roan horse belong- j ing to Joseph Axelson. The race is for 1,00 dollars. The cattlemen's convention at Ogden , April 20, may be iu session for a week. For this occasion the Rio Grande Western will make a rate one single fare $5:75 for the round trip from Mauti to Ogden. A special brought to onrtown yesterday, yester-day, Superintendent.Welby and General Freight Agent Babcock of the Rio Grand Western. After taking a drive with J. F. Metcalf over the principal parts of town they hied themselves to Salina. Elsewhere in this issue will be fonnd Work on the Union street west water main has began, and in the near future the residents on that street will be supplied sup-plied with pure water. Miss Minnie Jasperson returned from Salt Lake on Tuesday last. She will organize a class in painting at Ephraim Eph-raim next week. Bruce Brown the contractor w ill soon haye the new building immediately north of Parry's on Main street ready for John Stringham the plasterer. The tTeneh for the water mains on first north street running west is being dag, and ere long the residents living on that street will be supplied with pure water. . If appearances has anything to do with it, there will be a wedding ere another moon passes away. Sevaral articles of furniture have been seen to two nines: Greaves pitchor Green Nielson catcher Larson M-irray.. first base Neilson Hanson second base Day Peterson third base Whelock West short stop Gunderson Greaves left field Peterson Nielson center field I.ar en Dorius right field ...Anderson The two nines meet at Mount Pleasant Pleas-ant next Saturday. pass this omce on tneir journey nertu-ward nertu-ward W. K. Barton of Sterling called at the office on Wednesday and reported every thing as quiet in that part of the county. coun-ty. Some of onr citizens are very saDgnine over their mineral prospects so he says. Mrs. James Crawford, who, tor many years, has not been able to walk with-ont with-ont crotches, met with a. painful - accident acci-dent last -week caused by one of her crutches slipping from nnder her. The latter part of last week and the beginning of this week was a great time for sport on the tabernacle square. ' The fun which consisted of foot racing, foot-and-a.half and other games wonld begin at 7 o'clock and last until midnight. mid-night. In the obituary notice of Mrs. Cecelia Sharp Crawford, which appeared in last week's issue, the following names as children of the deceased were obinten-tionally obinten-tionally omitted: V. W'. Crawford of Orangeville, Nathaniel Crawford of Manti, and Maggie Peacock of orangeville. the new ad of Manti's lumber yard-Mr. yard-Mr. Grier has recently purchased one of those combination fence machines, and it is in operation back of the barber shop. It works like clock work and the grade of fence that is being tnrned out is first class in every respect. One hundred copies of the March number of Woman's Work were received from the publishers and sent with The SENTiNfii. compliments ito its subscribers. subscri-bers. By paying one year in advance for The Sentinel you get a year s subscription subscrip-tion free for Woman's Work. Remember 2..j0 get yon both papers for one year. It is rumored that on Snnday the 24th instant the time table on the Sevier Valley branch will be changed so that the train going north will pass Manti at about 10 a. m. returning will pass here at about the same time as it does at present. The run then will be from Salica to Ogden without any change what ever. A gentleman. writes from Holdeu:"We are enjoying a few days of fine weather aud it makes all feel good Rafter having had unch nasty weather for so long. All Willard Bean of Rlchineld is with us again and intends remaining in Manti nntil July. He says Kichfieid is the livllest town in sonthern Utah, and is coming to the front at a rapid pace. The report that he has been called on a mission is a mistake. The town at present is having a building boom. The old building just north of Tattle's Tat-tle's store is being torn down s.ml Mr. Tnttle informs this paper that in the near fntnre a new brick building OOXuO feet will take its place, The structure will be bnilt of Manti brick and expressly express-ly for store purposes. 'The building .will be divided into three departments-all departments-all of whlcU are rented. The foundation founda-tion will be pnt in next week. The opening exercise of the conjoint session on Tuesday night consisted of singing by the choir, prayer by T. C. Alxelson, and singing. The programe which was an exceptionally good one was as follows: ' A lecture on his missionary labors by E. T. Parry, which was very interesting and instructive. An organ solo by Clare W. Reld wa3 much enjoyed by -'all, Th reading by Misi May Mbnk or nearly ail the sheep from I'tah, Sanpete, San-pete, Juab and Sevier counties Bre on their way home, having wintered on the desert, and some have been as far as Piocho. All report their sheep in good condition, and prospects of a fine crop of wool. During conjoint session on Tuesday night to boys should have b6en put out of the house as they persisted in throwing missiles of all kinds at other members of the meeting. Their names will be omiied for this time, bnt if there is any more of such work their names will be published. Their names were handed in for publication but this paper decided to give them another trir.l. fin account of the general conference of the Methodist Epsicopal church at Omaha, !.May 1, 1892. the Rio Grande western will issue excursion tickets to Omaha at one lowest first-class fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold April 23, 29, and 30, limited to three days in both directions, with final limit to June 1, 1S92. This rate is not confined con-fined to delegates, but the public in general may take advantage of it. |