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Show tion of knowing thatjhis suocessor will do what he fears to perform. EAST VS. WEST- On:e more the east has put itself on record as being opposed to the wo t. Dispatches from Washington Washing-ton say tlie vote of the republican caucus of Senators that voted on the question of the admission of L'taU to statehood, was largely geographical, geo-graphical, the western Senators voting for it an the eastern against. It is not the Mormon question only that the eastern people are off their base on it is eveiything that per-taius per-taius to the west. Possibly they are becoming jealous of the rapidly growing power of the western states and think by opposing everything that would add to that greatness, takes from themselvts some of the power which so far they have enjoyed en-joyed alone. It is useless lor them to siiive against fate, the weft is bound to take the lead before a great whi'e and for the east to undertake un-dertake to stop progress is silly,not to use a stronger expression. The west has natural facilities such as no other section of the world pos.-:es.richmines, boundless prairit s room for millions of people, peo-ple, and a climate to suit all desires Itisoniy'a matter of time, and that too, a short time, btfore the wc.H will surpass the ea&t in everything, every-thing, We - have homes for the oor, chances for tha profitable in-ve-tmenls of ihe capitalist, and cau pro luct; materials for almost any industry. It is cs hopeless for the Wc.it to he held back as it was for Europe to Mop the growth of advanced ad-vanced idea:-- on the science of free government. Ier!i:;p Cnr.inilhtl Piatt 13 light when ne savs no Etatelioo?! lull will ,nis tins st-s-ion. bin that '.vi!l only -Id a tinil lo the c-oiTin of the rt-'Uuijc.m rt-'Uuijc.m parly, for the thimocraU Hill he cuick io pee 'heir advantage ;;i:a niof-thv tho mulal-e of their Iiredcct seors. L tali is bound to be aslatebeioraagre.it win e. ILr vote is needed 1. 1 tne tide of the w.-iierit states, the democratic party par-ty wants iier tleetonal vote, and t he it all arouna it is more to the uJvmitaRe of cur lul.'hhors to 'give ti -l i 1 h t l i fu us We ar- ! t- hen, it tn -sappjinted in ih.it li.it- hot e have reaehed a : p.'i.-;, ii u.. i ive r.iaiie no efforts I " ' tli I v j. 1 r culd thrust it upon ui chairman Mutt n.ay uel.iv ttatehood. hut not for I Inn ; and he tyiil have the satiiac- |