Show tips given 0 to reduce hazard of xmas fires there are methods which will reduce the flie file hazard of christmas trees and it should be borne in 14 mind that no inexpensive method is known that aill ill make a tree completely fireproof according to arof 1 joseph coulam agricultural engineer tor for the extension service at the the hazard Is great duo due to the fact that many people retain their holiday tree too long and every day it is in the house increases the danger as it dries out he said check the wiring of the lights to make sure there are no bare spots in the wiring turn ott off the lights when hen out of the room and place the tree in a jar of water to keep it green as long as possible aie simple simpie but worthwhile precautions fire resisting chemicals may be used to aid in fireproofing a tree treed ammonium sulfate or calcium chloride may bemused be used by placing in a glass glaas jar tin pall or earthen 1 crock and dis dissolving solvin 9 in water using IV pints ot of water for each pound of ammonium sulfate the amount of chemical to use Is determined ter mined by weighing the tree and dividing the weight in pounds by foula narrow mouthed container Is preferable as it lessens evaporation of the solution just before treating saw oft off the tree about an inch from the end preferably at an oblique angle or in a V shape in order that the chemical solution may have tree free access to the fresh wood bat at the cut end set the tree in the solution in a cool place away from direct sunlight and leave ii it there until most of the solution Is absorbed by the tree the foli foliage appears to retain its green color longer when treated at a temperature of 55 to 65 degrees four to six days should be allowed for fireproofing the degree of fire resistance depends on the amount of the solution taken up tip by the tree the local county agents office will be able to supply more information about fireproofing christmas trees |