Show Matt Mumbles A subversive element has been loosed on the under the direction of all our This as might be is composed entirely of It should be added that these freshmen are not functioning in their usual misguided this time they have And what a This is the The English department has given an assignment to all freshmen in its which naturally includes all Said assignment includes what the English department terms about sense the English translation of this states that each freshman student should go to some specific spot on the Annex smoker and the CI rating highest as favorite specific and then transfer to theme paper the he received while I should Since anything you at any may be used against in I think it only fair to issue a general warning to all other faculty members and Beware of this younger even our sacred emotions about hamburgers aren't private any The Utah Education holding its annual meeting this has put up a number of interesting and informative displays on the first floor of the Union The displays include large posters and pamphlets on such modern problems as cancer alcoholism and home Most interesting is the portrayal of alcoholism in its various stages and the ways of dealing with this because it includes a large sign which is a Public for am willing to accept that Does anyone know the fastest possible way to become an An English under the direction of Henry was the victim of an invasion Thursday The invader was a of the of general pandemonium ensued until the culprit was murdered with one swat of a movie Commented one just the old story of man against She was He had smiled at thought a freshman girl in a general education there he smiling at her and yet with a coyness that implicitly invited deeper she smiled as I the young man do look like a |