Show III T U EXTRA COCKERELS MAY BE CAPONIZED males not Othen otherwise vise needed are easier to keep capots capons fatten easier and at less cost says gays the new york state college of 0 agriculture male birds not sold as broilers or otherwise used may be caponi caponized zed it if they are to be held over market quotations on ca pons usually begin in november and are several cents more n pound than those for cockerels cockerell cocker els especially for the holiday trade when successfully caponi caponized zed the bird does not have the appearance of a cockerel the comb and wattles do not develop and the saddle and hach back feathers grow long a bird makes him more quiet and peaceful and causes the flesh to retain the tine fine flavor and texture of broiler meat capons camons will stand closer confinement than cockerels cocker els breeds used for capons camons depend on the market demands for tile the production of large capons camons light brahman Brah mas nials and jersey black giants Glant sare ire satisfactory for smaller capons camons any of the american breeds such as plymouth rocks Wyan dottes and rhode island reds are adaptable leghorns Leg horns make such small capons camons that it Is doubtful whether it pays to caponize them cockerels Cocker els selected tor for ent capou ionizing izing should be about 8 to 10 weeks old and T eight about 1 to 2 pounds caponizing Capon izing demands skill and it Is 13 advisable to watch an experienced experienc ea operator cornell cornel lias bas an illustrated bulletin E on capon production which may be obtained by applying to the office of publications new york state college of agriculture ithaca new kew york |