Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah january 18 13 1930 notice is hereby given that the gibbons dibbons ditch company whose principal place of business is oakley utah 4 has made application in accordance cor dance with the requirements of the session laws of utah 1919 to 1929 inclusive to appropriate cas of water from weber webe x river in summit county utah said water is to be diverted at a point which bears ft N and ft W of the ea cor of see sec 21 T 1 S R 6 E S L B st M and conveyed a distance of ft where it will be used from may to october of each year as a supplemental supply for the irrigation of acres of land embraced in the jwj see sec 27 see sec 33 SE sease ai SE 14 1 14 sec 21 T 1 S R 6 E S L B st M this application is designated in the state engineers office as file no all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied bied with a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice GEO state engineer date of first publication january 23 1930 date of completion of publication february 20 1930 SUMMONS in the justices court in and for the coalville Co alville city of coalville Co alville county of summit state of utah before william H chappell justice of the peace coalville Co alville operative cooperative co Me mercantile Mecan cantile institution plaintiff vs thead middleton defendant the state of utah to the defendant you are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within ten days atter after the service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise within twenty days after this service arvice SP and defend the above entitled action brought against you to recover a judgement jud gement for the sum suin of thirty dollars and seap rl cents and costs of court balance due on the purchase of goods wares and merchandise chand isoe and in case of your failure to do so judgement jud gement will he be ren dred against you according to the demand of the complaint given under my hand this day of january 1930 WM H CHAPPELL justice of the peace J date first pub january 30 1930 date dale last pub february 20 1930 NOTICE united states land office salt lake city utah jan 31 1930 to whom it may concern notice is hereby given that the state of utah has filed in this office lists of lands selected by the said state under section 6 of the act of congress approved july 16 1894 as indemnity school lands viz sine 1 nwe 4 HEA nemise see sec 28 twp tap 4 north range 6 east S L M serial list 2390 copies of said lizt lists so far as they relate to said tracts tra by descriptive subdivisions have been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally during the period of publication of this notice or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification under departmental regulations of april 25 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the state to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes will be received and noted for report to the general land office at washington D C failure so to protest or contest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of non mineral character of the tracts and the selections thereof being otherwise tree free from objection I 1 jec tion will be approved to the state ELI F TAYLOR register first cirit date pub feb 6 1930 last date pub march 6 1930 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior genral general land office at salt lake city utah jan 7 1930 notice is hereby given that mark hopkin of croydon utah who on april 1 1925 made stock raising homestead no for SE U nwe SE 1 U I SW vt 14 SWI swa 44 SEU sea 4 see sec 34 el bevz SE seat section 26 township 5 north range 5 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make m ake final proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court at coalville Co alville utah on the day of february 1930 claimant names as witnesses newel frances otis bryson and don hoggan of woodruff utah and and vern hopkin of croydon utah ELI F TAYLOR register first date pub january 9 1930 last date pub feb 6 1930 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior general land office at salt lake city utah jan 2 1930 notice is hereby given that james A taylor of henefer utah who on july 7 1926 made stock raising homestead entry no for Ns nea NE I 1 4 see sec 10 twp tap 3 north range 4 east and on oct 18 13 1926 made adal stock raising homestead entry for S 2 ai S sa NE section 12 township 3 north range 4 east S L meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court at coal ville utah on the day da y of february 1930 claimant names as witnesses william H brewer 0 J taylor W E dearden and john P stevens all of henefer utah ELI F TAYLOR register first date pub january 9 1930 last date pub february 6 1930 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior genral general land office at salt lake city utah jan 18 1930 notice is hereby given that lawrence henry grow of wanship manship Wan ship utah who on oct 1 1926 made stock raising homestead entry no for sah S NN swane 11 see sec 14 na section 22 township 1 north range 5 east salt lake meridian has filed f notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described deac bribed before the clerk ol of the district c court at coalville Co alville utah on the ath day of march 1930 claimant names as witnesses C G judd of hoytsville ho utah A C hortin E F robertson and F 0 vernon all of wanship manship Wan ship utah ELI F TAYLOR register first date pub january 23 1930 last date pub feb 20 1930 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah january 18 10 GEO M BACON S R 6 E S L B notice is hereby given that the alie state engineer tills this line company whose date of first publication application Ls is d besle na pr op henefer nefer pipe I 1 january 23 the state engi baw S in aers principal place of business is hene 1 1930 no as file tit f er utah lias has made application in i dau date of completion of publication all protests against I 1 lat im i utah M accordance iordanca ce with the requirements of of february 20 1930 of f said applice application I 1 the a granting na ti aaion arld the i session laws of utah 1919 to reasons stating statina the thetty tt 11 1 we must S lec V sa s1 1929 9 inclusive to appropriate NOT NOTICE ICE TO WATER USERS davit in duplicate be by aar 21 T rl 1 I tk lv sm caz s of water from a spring in I 1 with a lee of 1 00 and ac accompanied alla ft N summit amit county utah said water state slate engineers office office within thir thirty ty 30 filed in thas tassi wh ere it is I 1 A Is to be diverted at the point of salt lake city utah february 1 the co completion mPle tion of the days after the th arri octa ilis 1 issuance bance of the spring which bears 1830 this his notice publication afi ami 0 a N 45 degrees E 2648 ft from thel the notice is hereby given giap n that GEO M k embrace S bavi ed in arx art BACON SW 7 cor of see sec 11 T 3 N R 4 E I 1 spencer johnston and edgar johnl i 23 state all 1 in new year i S B M and conveyed by means I 1 j ston whose post office aftic c addresses date of first publication engineer i t iu iun of a pipe a distance of ft are marion utah have made ap jc 6 1930 rebr february uary this TV thi ll 11 III where lere it will be used during the en in accordance with the re date of completion of Public publication the state ted tame to tire e year as a s supplemental supply quire ments of the session laws of march 6 1930 atin no m for culinary and domestic purposes utah 1919 to 1929 inclusive to ap all D wi altow toi by the town of henefer prop 11 cas of water from NOTICE TO WATER if said h PW USERS th this is application is designated in weber river in summit county app nn there to t ume the e state engineers office as file utah said water is to be diverted state oi engineers dalit I 1 office uince 11 no at a point which bears ft N salt tiba lake city rii utah alth altha a teo t ot I 1 all protests against the granting and ft W of the NW cor of 1930 february 1 office within ta at tt of said application stating the 21 T I 1 S R 6 E S L B M notice is hereby given ili complesi comp cos leti must be affidavit and conveyed a distance of 1320 ft that this S 4 it we sons ns by the Boul derville dit ditch c h CO in nolle e I 1 4 in duplicate accompanied with a where it will be used from may whose principal place of company business pany 1 batt fee s of and filed in this office to october alst 1st of each year tor for the is oakley utah has made mad e within thin thirty 30 days after the irrigation of 66 acres of land em cation in accordance with apall all date of 0 t the h 6 completion mp letlon of the publication of this braced in the nwe see sec 22 quire ments of the session L e rec 1930 ld 00 laws notice nevinka NE ViNEA SWi ANEA see sec 28 T utah 1919 to 1929 inclusive Ws of date or of ca urne 1 t 0 a P ivanh Mar cheiSi the in A sw now ow is the time 1 3 to afta sassi install gets gas still e notice the ad vanta vantages below i installation of furnace or boiler can be made in one day 20 Q by means of special lempar ifil ary auxiliary heating equip ment a uniform satisfactory lp temperature will be maintained until the new automatic natural naturals 4 gas heat is operating 3 ra freedom from furnace cures N ulm 4 am n kaari I 1 A central heating plant can caan faw v ag be placed in the horne home store 31 t 1 or factory with or without basement 3 mab Vip Wal m r 98 per dent of estimates ren f dered for house hous heating conie come within or below the figures submitted 1600 natural gas cas 15 per cent discount allowed house heating customers 5 now on all new tin contract work already more than families are enjoying the supreme prenie hu comforts and conveniences of 0 natural gas heat beat these families have banished forever the ii isome work of tending the fires they have banished even if have no furnace smoke anil and soot and ashes they have brought you standard of living within their homes and basement and no furnace ice a new e even if there is no basen the have cas easily ily comfortably quickly and factory you can so can you home store or your your heating ting suri surprising rising economy benefits of a central natural gas hea placed anywhere the new ideal arcola gas heater can be health circulate in your premises and will this too have our house heating representatives survey your through the ro rooms accurate data as to the uniform cornith all today heating problem anti and furnish economical invests investigate gate is a amazingly mazin gly service no obligations on low cost of this li heating cating your part get the facts and prices today ah GAS coo was 1300 salt lake city phone 20 morgan r 7 24 4 |