Show SUMMONS IN THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF MORGAN COUNTY STATE OF UTAH J williams jr D 0 williams and A L williams trustees under the last will and testament of J will iaus iams deceased and the esta estate teof of I 1 J williams deceased plaintiffs ALL PERSONS unknown claiming any right title estate lien or interest t in the real property described in the complaint adverse to plaintiffs tit Is ie thereto defendants TR THE E STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID defendants you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you it if served within the clr county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days dayi after service and defend def end the above entitled action and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which lias has been filed with the clerk of said court this action is brought to quiet title la in the th plaintiffs to the following described property situate in morgan co county anty state of utah to wit parcel no 1 A part of the northwest quarter of see sec 24 township 3 north range 2 eist east of the salt lake meridian and more particularly described as follows from the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said see sec 2 24 run south eighty six degrees 59 min west along the section line 1787 ft and south two degrees 53 min east ft to the initial point and place of beginning thence run north eighty four degrees 46 min east ft thence north twelve degrees degree 10 aln west ft thence south 84 degrees 38 min west 1620 1520 ft thence north six degrees degreed 08 min west 1661 1665 ft thence south eighty five degrees 3 34 aln ft thence south bres degy degrees ees 32 min east 1801 ft to the point of beginning containing acres more or less parcel no 2 commencing at a point 1125 chains earb East and 2240 chains south 3 degrees decrees 6 min into east of the northwest quarter of section 24 and running thence south 80 89 degrees 10 min west cha chains lins thence south 3 degrees 6 min east 1076 1075 chains to east canyon creek thence up said creek in an easterly direction to the county road thence north 3 degrees 6 man west 1076 1075 chains to the place of beginning containing 3 acres acree more or less le JAMES J CONNELL plaintiff flain tiff attorney P 0 address devils slide utah J williams D 0 williams and A L williams trustees of the estate of J williams diseased plaintiff served the within summons on an the within named defendant at morgan county of morgan state of utah this ath day of june 1032 1932 flaurie E white county clerk first publication june 8 1932 last publication july |