Show porterville sir mr and mrs john carter barter son sol thomas dish bishop op daniel carter james jamas carter and famil family yand and thomas carter sr attended the funeral funera of mrs agnes butle daughter of arand Mr sJohn at her home in provo thursday feb 4 she leaves two small children the funeral was bield lit in fiovo sunday afternoon miss bessie carter of ogden spent a few days here last week visiting her ber parents bishop and mrs daniel carter na mr r E T r lorence florence and mrs orten went to ogden wednesday and goter pot mr orten oilen who lias been in the doe dee hospital for the past three weeks mrs theodore elmer and children of pirk city are visiting here at the home of mr and al mrs rs geo kershaw mrs elmers parents mr and mrs william kershaw of park city spent sunday here visiting relatives miss hazel durrant of salt lake city Is spending a few weeks visiting here with relatives and friends A surprise party was given in honor of mr samual mikesell Ml Ali kesell last friday evening at the home of mr and mrs parley carter all AD present had a very enjoyable time mr and mrs jolin john castle and daughter mrs june coons of ogden spent sunday liere |