Show WATER REQUIRED BY DAIRY COWS of much importance to supply abundantly always alwa YS it t la Is a well wel 1 known tact fact that heavy 1 producing milk mi k cows 1 W 1 I quire a large alti olit ot 1 iller more rlyn aminy people roll reull lize xe when cows lieve rree free access to water HI at ull till aimeb hiring during tile hie winter na its when supplied will drin drinking kirg nips cups they con constine more than when they hove lieve nn an opportunity ill ity to drink only once or twice it 11 day elspet ailcy Is tills this true when they are forced to drink fee ce water the fact that milk 87 tier per cen cent I 1 of if water in itself that alint it n anike ill supply la Is needed when a cow from 40 to 50 pounds of 11 milk L it liny fily the chief function Iund lon ot of wit hiiter ter in tile body however Is lot to supply ill HIP amount needed fur liei hei milk slie site also needs it for her food materials to help adli distribute the alie nutritive matter t through the kiy and to remove remil alie waste boily body cells it tin lins been stated flint 50 por per eni of if tile the water ron con sulked hv by it 11 dalry cow Is excreted in tit lie bout about 13 per cent 15 tile the urine I 1 ta 2 per cent through tile he skin and tit tit 11 per vent cent through the mallk lit in more Is through tilt the skin than in chaer at ille hie michigan fla tion aaker con by tell n dalry cows wits burrd 1 I from tie hie utter atter part inart 0 to tit alie L idiller purt part of july in 1929 while alie aws mere ere nn an nv ernise of if it 1 pounds ot of dally flip con si suin trip pilon tion hiring that period was per cow or ishmit HO pounds tier IUT day they cons lined 32 pounds iiii iti of irmiter for everi ever mounil of mill fiill produced I 1 the large dully dally requirement of v wil IN PI culls cliffs litt lillon to the importance of providing un tin oil nt at nil hll times on most arins the water ply illy Is not us its adequate during winter ns as it Is during dur tiit summer even though NIP flip cows n need quite so much h WIK IP drinking cups can oe e installed in the ilip dalry barn airn tile ali will piry pay good dividends |