Show SOLUTION OF transportation PROBLEMS SEEN IN MOTOR TRUCK q I 1 iq 4 7 0 farm truck in this load will go directly to dealer at a market fifteen miles away arid and arrive in fresh condition prepare ly by the united btty department f agriculture A steadily increasing number ot of shippers are ara looking toward the mo ino tor truck tor for the solution of their transportation por tation lems ins farmers are included in this category and it may therefore itie be well to 6 point out its as the result of actual experience of others the things they should consider in connection with alth the ue of motor trucks to haul their produce to market in very epry few instances say experts of the bureau of markets ts united states department of agriculture Is iti it advisable tor for a farmer to purchase operate a motor truck solely for his own needs its as the initial investment cost combot of upkeep and tile the limited time tile the truck ciuck Is likely to be in u use Is e make the file venture expensive and dis ii proportionate to the convenience secured where trucks are operated by private individuals for profit the owner of the truck usually operates between certain points on a filea schedule the farmer assumes no risk lie ile simply paya pais whatever the rate for cartage may be and may find the use of this means of transportation an advantage over the railroad or over oer hauling 1114 produce to macket himself by team teal A ai the same time it has often occurred that when the farmer hall had learned to depend upon this service the rates would W ou id be raised to a point t that tile the farmer could III afford to pity pay or t that lit conot her motor truck operator would enter the field with the result that blat both were compelled to go out business leaving the farmer ut an any y truck service sen ice nt at till nil ont one successful venture it may lie le well tio ti consider the basis bagis upon which a farmer inny secure mo 1110 tor truck transportation at n cost find create n up upon 0 it lie can place lull full reliance there me are several co operative coope rathe mo tor truck lit in eirl existence stence of which perhaps pei imps the farmers co opera tive company of hartford Hart foid county maryland has lind ind the largest me inea 1 1 s ure suie of t success the hie territory serve served c i hy by the Is a very productive product he a region lef tion many of tile the formet eia ship enlik to some rolze binl e truck crops and others practice general forming tile the rates on many coln commodities modi moItt ties les are decidedly lower loer thain those of the rall rund the members say that the saving of time lit in marketing their produce As Is a big also lor for example when the farmers hauled their produce to market by wagon ngon they had to out at ald night and did not notie return turn home until nine the next now at lenit eight hours of that time Is saved lor for other work nut but while tie the hartford county cot company has hall hail considerable i it conditions not heen been possible lind hd the ille condition not bien been for forche ahe of it co motor truck route this fact not le be lost of and for foi the benefit of contemplating tile e of in co olera tIve motoi motor truck tile the points should re receive elve care caie ful consideration factors to Bs 03 considered A careful survey should be made to the adequacy of PI pies lit transportation facilities the reason of the he gatei lates tile alp ilp hunte dally ton taige for lit in endi ench the lie cliar of the lie loads over oer which lil cli tile the trucks must limit ile he operated aind abe generi ent of the th to will nid MIC file II fill tile the als if brunec froin market not ile he more moie 40 nilles miles ond twerp tl erp should lie ie oliane of prodie to rant inet operation of the lie dieks s hout the year ni it baving ln Iii ie len ien n that tin tilt to co operative el will hlll he it ile do ellid ad Mintie only pien nien who lirt have grawi their hii siness in 1 addling andling and ling their pelto and who ani 1 c 1 w it a amil influence anion among the zu nit m ml bers ii of the community be lelce na in directors the ali WOL im ary jiu it i mail alth eni my bu bagnos gnos and n 11 aln of the fo i the tl of the clation should he be larr largo to peri penult tilt tin the ts suanee of stacle tt ck to pa V for foi in un nh h to 0 o ussury a of vaai intili on it 1 bond antul ns iv and to have eamigh sti cl to for foi future futin bvm emilid extension tenIon ex tp of if the business ns its well H us its a fund to 10 ince worn out equipment make hake service the bato hward the trucks s stio tion tild ld lie ie selee etl tinly after n tho thorough iou anil and unbiased conald eon id rf the lip various arcoui inn ingres PS ilecki 04 of performance of cost of nl nance in by of trucks anther lhnn alinn by b agents of truck he be considered in the light of present aind prospective keedo of the in employing operators merit should be the sole consideration bates should be based on a careful analysis of comi om chite adequate and accurate information regarding legai ding costs accounting 0 methods hould be slin lp but sufficiently comprehensive to shw show tile the exact a t financial status ot of the assida association t ion 11 nt t all times lit in matters or of policy the interests ot of the members us its a whole rather than as individuals must be ba considered service must musi be the watchword and to make the tion a real success each member must feel that it Is ills his association |