Show MORGAN LOCALS benj P critchlow it 11 prominent business Tiu alness mian man ot of ogden who tor for many man years has hag been connected with the C W 31 co died at ills his home in ogden on the ot of ptomaine pol poisoning for many years mr critchlow was waa auditor ot of the C W M 1 I co and has a great many friends along the weber river mrs airs joe rees ot of croyden while still very weak from her recent illness Is gradually improving james stewart und and wife of ogden accompanied by mr fr stewarts brother up lip 1 I J stewart were morgan visitors last wednesday good pictures it at the clawson every monday fri und and sat ni nights ats some komo ot or the coming attractions a are r norma talmadge in do ant annie it e on fri and sat nights ot of this week ora carew in 11 mountain Aloun tain madness these pictures are accompanied by other good features as well as the news weekly miss aliss florence clawson Is visiting her sister mrs smith in salt luke lake bp jas anderson Is attending the canners convention in new jersey mrs airs geo thackery of croyden who has been suffering from a broken hip Is sufficiently improved so that the ehe can sit up hyman byram P kilburn of morgan was unanimously elec elected tecO debating manager of the agricultural Arl cultural college freshmen on january 4 mr kilburn has shown great f interest in debating at the college and seems to hold bold secret information of great value ile ho is under quarantine lor for hacken pox iio but expects ep its to in be out liy by the first of next week and will give his hh immediate attention to the developing of crack frosli frosh team and will arrange for or some rouging discussions with the other classes of the college mr air kilburn and leslie nelson elson rs another aggie freshman from morgan tried out for the main college team they rande made the first squad but were beaten in the final tryout by older and more experienced men mr air kilburn la Is a student in general science while mr nelson melson Is specializing in agriculture Persi persistent stant rumor has it that we are paying our librarian from 75 76 to US 85 dollars per month while the public MRY may not consior the above remuneration tor for the effi ency displayed in handling the business it Is incorrect the salary has been 40 dollars per month up to november lot 1022 yours tor for nearer estimates morgan co library board 13 0 kingston hingston chairman the scout washers school under the direction ot of scout executive cleo A goatees of the ogden district council hoy boy scouts of 0 america held its first session last thursday in the court house an attendance ot of 42 scout men was recorded and deep interest was shown the sessions of 0 the scouts course will be held each thursday in the court room tor for a total of six weeks this course will get the scouting berum so BO gormerly lor merty merly im bedded in the scout leadership of morgan county that nothing can stop the progress of the movement troop no 1 of alle and troup troop no 1 of milton have had official visits from the alm deputy commission and bogli troops are surely up and going the ceremony of 0 troop no iso 1 of morgan went oft up to es ea pec tation 55 parents being present the scout leadership ot of adorgan county feel much encouragement at the interest being taken in scouting by li tin parents and wish tu to extend to all parents parent A an ln invitation to it 0 attend any meeting of the boy scouts troops 1111 and d assure them of a warm welcome I 1 feb esth Is the 1 of the birthday of 0 the boy scouts tho movement in the U S A a real program Is lu in preparation for that night all troops will take part it will be held in the opera llou 40 t alio llio work necess necessary essaiy aly ar putting over the fathers and tons sons out ing in nom next summer Is already under way ay anil and those in charge chaise expect to at last treble the attendance atten clancy it at last years ears outing Every hoy got get busy and help cato a roil real Int interests erets this outing will do great things to bring brim the los boys md and their dads closer to geaber W A vl deputy scout corn com |