Show INLAND NORTHWEST the hatred of two to german sympathizers for or america Is believed by county county officials at chugwater Chug water wyo wo to nave have been the tae faoul e of an unsuccessful attempt to rob the Chug chugwater water state bank by adolph and herman J kusel the first aircraft to be owned in southeastern oregon has been purchased by four young oung farmers of the kelheur river valley and arrived in vale last sunday the airplane Is a curtis commonly koewn as a curtis jennie it is equipped with a 90 horsepower curtis motor and lias has a carrying capacity of two efto an oil permit has been granted to noel F on 2560 acres of ground in the oil fields of nevada the permit provides that actual I 1 drilling must bo be started within six months and that a well feet in depth must be sunk within one year two years being allowed to discover 0 oil U or reach a depth of 2000 feet feel 0 0 0 the entire issue of the road bonds of colorado were purchased by the international trust company of denver from state treasurer R JJ 14 strong the sale of these bonds will enable road improvement to be extended into the winter and make the laying la ing off of men as previously planned unnecessary highway say V 0 P burled buried in his canoe tind with his bow strapped to his body the remains of an indian chief were uncovered by tile the wind at wallula 30 wiles from wella walla wash armay ahe shallow grave was dire directly etly back of the present site of the wallula hotel which hag fans been built for more than 40 years and pioneers assert that the grave Is at least CO years ears old ns as indians indiana stopped burying burning choir dead in this district about that time 0 0 0 the president has sent to the senate the nomination of thomas blake kennedy of cheyenne to be united stat states district judge for wyoming to bucce succeed ed judge john A riner who is voluntarily retiring from tile the bench the nomination of kennedy goes to the judiciary committee where it will be re ported next monday and confirmation Is looked for some same time next nest week death of al stein motion picture assistant director in ills his rooms at los angeles wits was due to acuto alcoholism according to the report of an autopsy surgeon wednesday police said charges of suspicion of murder laid against mildred frances bellwin and frances M stewart stew art found in the rooms would be dropped the northern paci pacific alc railroad company has filed an application with the state railroad commission cammi sirion of montania Mont anft anit a asking s icing for a public hearing on the curtailment tail tall ment of train service son ice between helena wid nikl the railroad wants to reduce the present service sen ice to three trains a week protests on the proposed reduction lime have been tiled by residents the chicago northwestern railroad has turned to a prewar basis in purchasing supplies president W II 11 rinley announced thursday night the road has authorized tile the purchase of worth of supplies monthly he said the purchases being in all lines lilles of industry and particularly in steel and lumber oil production records from the cat creek region in montin montana i reached a new high point in september when barrels were transported through the pipe lines of the nik elk basin consolidated petroleum company according to its monthly report filed with tile the state railroad commission the llie previous high mark was in august Angi it when barrels banels were shipped 0 0 mrs ellen paine 48 years old wife of charles paine of stacy stac mont coin emitted suicide last week by burning binning herself to death according to the fill findings of the county counti coroner the body bod was found about a nille mile train froin tier home by a searching party headed by tier her husband she left the house while her hei husband was asleep mid is believed l to have poured a can call of coil coal oil over tier her clothes etna and then set fire to herself enforcement of 0 prohibition gli out tho country cost tile the government during the last fiscal year it was revealed thursday in a state merit ment given out at prohibition headquarters iii arters at new york statistics compiled from the records in washington showed that the expenditure was offset by assessments involving civil penalties special taxes etc ot of of which only wag collected the value of seized property was appraised panl d at several million dollars additional it was said would accrue from fines being compiled salaries and traveling costs comprised tile the 0 W 11 II for eight years clerk of the district court of livingston was removed from office wednesday by the county commissioners following it 11 report rep ort maide to the board by deputy examiners showing a shortage in accounts of i five states montana idaho wyo ming utah and wa lilington had less le illiteracy K their native white population in than ony liny other santos it t was sl shown iown in figures made public by the census bureau |