Show FIVE MINUTE CHATS ABOUT OUR presidents by JAMES MORGAN A DIPLOMAT AT 14 0 0 1767 july 11 john quincy adapts adams born in BraIn braintree tree now a part of quincy mass mas 1781 78 secretary of cf legation at st petersburg 1787 graduated at harvard 79 SO admitted to the bar 7 to the hague 1797 married louis catherine joh johston r son minister minler to prussia 1802 in n massachusetts senate in national senate 1809 14 minister ml t to st R russia 1014 1914 peace commissioner at ghent Min finlater later to england 25 secretary of state 0 6 A AMONG the presidents dentis john quincy adams holds the record of baving been b pell the and oldest pull pub I 1 lie servant from boyhood when lie he was vas if secretary of legation lit at tile lie ex tra ordInary age of fourteen until he fell lit at Ms post in the ine halls balls of congress cm griss 1 lit in lil j first year lie he was its in ill the service of ills hla country 55 5 if those tl bl bears fars A president and the son soft of it prel bent sill all the other 15 presidents fron from washington to johnson johnsen were cre his asso clates broin the day lie climbed it height li alit near hl ills 3 ablith place to see the battle or of bunker banker hill 15 33 miles aa away lie he wai via a witness to A wr 4 itile john adams at 16 pearly marly every great cicat tent event in the history of if tile the latiol until the lie close of tile the mexican war with willi john adams ill ID congress tho the child had find to he the man inan of tile family end tit at nine he rode tits his hor horse hore e to boston to fetch the I 1 mill 11 1 if at ten his its father took him witt with him 1111 ca n his mission slon to france fiame at fourteen tin aa american minister the na iture couii ou ii agster itar tits his of legation legit lon by 11 seventeen the youth dutli lind had traveled on our r enuch of if kerope and lie he came home to enter garvard after lie opell fd ed a law onie office oni e in Ho bobon tol kut but blvd bai ness ans as only kiil beginning when tho young attorney ills aPPo by in minister InIster tit nt the llie canue where bif the government to chidi lie wits was acer accredited edIted noil fled before the lie of france fiance and left ilia him in ill the HIP ot of the triumphant meeting the daughter of the amerlean Ainer iran consul 11 in london it r she find the diplomat were married on tile the ee or of his departure fur for berlin to to birli lir li it IK hid had lipin heon promoted anton anion ills ilis last ads us its pre jolin john adams adoun 4 rim removal opil ills his win lion front ilice to deprive digil di pil jefferson jeffri idia of tile lip nn ilia eklous of distills dismissing 1119 him laii tile lie recalled anns elected to ill lie senate oi inte lie lei lili ills fam fly ll 11 trull of independence by 1 taking lilt ills ill fathers hated rival and ion UK infill I 1 of 4 ovo gely turned tinned upon ilia ailin a us a traitor to in lin PINY ibid and if relle gade froidl ills 1113 class they alie drone dle liim ilia front from tile lie st allitt and when iiii lie he ell camp in elal hemf I 1 tip be fo lillI blin self in ills boston house bouse bild will lild 11 I 1 sti taij id liepp the hotel Tour alue nils n ndel alli tits ills name forever aiom tin 1 oroli little lilue hook book julin john quincy annis is nil I 1 longer a gentle limn in ind hi ti ill I alio ho were not gentle nian ien lit took him up lip lity n their alti ir favor li he minister tr to Itus sli a of the pace P ace of nf client in 1911 nikl ster to en inal binn 1 jolin adai adams I 1 ans f illi il biome to he of apt in ill she HIP manrot Mon rii atlon in that post r ile he 1111 tile lip leading pint part ir fr ahr th doctrine in ills his john attains lilt biad litel led witt ith fond admiration the ale rise ol of jolin quincy lintl s lie was mas only tile one runs rung from froin tp the top Altho ligh in ills 1119 9 lie Ill ell that my v pon on will nevet got a chance tit at ill the prea presidency i delleY until the last VirgIn lor 1 Is in n his grave fontane forli lily mir the acid ex c in next nent to ta the ali last of hi ahli ninety anis lim e SHA the scepter of the iho pasi 0 a llroy liand JOHN QUINCY ADAMS 1825 john quincy adams in augu rated lath sixth president aged fafty seven beveri 1830 46 48 in congress con grec 1831 Presented first petition against slavery la very 1848 february 23 death of adams adam at the capitol aged eighty TIE au chieftainship of every great nation still passed from futher father to bol until tile the ney of tile miffed states was as rented created when tile first airi t free for all taie race and un all even een start for lie highest lili birst prize was ai opened to the oils wnm of men lurn regi of the accidents ni cl denta ot mirth lin I 1 van jolla quincy adams did not win inin tile hie race but allis s lutren tit lit tile the polls by jv andna jackon jack Jn elison on the die son of nil ill immigrant lu iiii raint parties eirv m lii in ili 1824 1924 four invin ell di fertil the contest ci cirii iii and deadlocked tile lia electoral college olliff olli Kf lilile left tile lie ot of to elmose front filling till alif tillee till ee lillne lill nt illi I 1 ills tin tilt folleth nian flen ry II 11 caily ulin illin gilded in ill the lie election W 1 l fitins ii tins find received rec elved frocil tin new jr file ait of s SLI conr of state ilie only win tl in ii lilt in country ier hns lind MIS mas nor llor 11 example of ml aleve eve anoni 11 idelle aulm v malizer aill cd ills solitary way vu nv ibur ail tinning ing to the right or to tile left from froin tilt ile and row of t independence ll ahe I 1 VI etli 1 11 nii si of if hannor to re aliu his 1 si vil ansi of sill elf to up ills diw v of nf illi fellows or to thaw its ills on ley 1 lilua it wits MS ini ili for ills supporters to feel stay ell for 01 john quilley ltd led tile lie life in tin tilt white laiti ll allup uP getting up tip nt at 5 lie he billt lit tire lilt dail ills dully dortlon of 0 tit the bible mill aint while alle tit tl nt clrk baill lie took ON ills walk alk or swim john quine v adaina alone lins has tile lie problem lern of ex es ile he fowl forgot that liv lie luxl liani piff lent lit nil all and 1 fant nent to atoil wol ic ilke tiny ny other el citizen etli ills houses lii iss if in dulney and iso bus till mul and tile ill income from froin ills estate tot toi slender for foi ille support ui port ut of ills his fal fallibly lilly coill J ini quincy adams ail uns heard the HM lurl hark of the wolf till 11 door us its in ills his falley lit closed it upon we ike in ill his sixty alt snori 1 year spur when ahen sonie neighbors ventured to uk the nt next year mar if it would lit he ile ii ills his dignity tr to tnt the old H Illy mouth rock district in ill tills this riat great american lio to had imn been it antor en tor a minister tit it the of tile ilie Illi gile li erlin st r tint anil london I 1 ediin a spere tary of if state rill and 11 president that he ti veils not a bove tilt ileo people lile n on e 1 0 of 1 tile alio si tinen n of nf ills 1119 town tonn ii nt lit tile lie sight t n fit f nil an ex t pre adent taking till ids lil seat 11 h the HIP hurly burly of the lower hou orly two tiki u ir after lining tile allt ll lt HOUS i john quincy adams or 01 the whigs all with lie U falion faion aik allbut film john J ini Y Adl ifil niril alone ti file tilsia Til koll 1 dilleh I li lil tin lind supplanted ills on oa oni 1111 I 1 falonis nl no lit lie it 11 sarin of tits ills uld old flin dutli on ili it level I 1 ml under his inn ann noi 11 the majority t all lf if fell ft 11 i ei ll fly st 1111 slon it d entirely in ili 1 ls ife HP ind had mm mill tits his 11 1 mi tight the fiig rolv i ali ills lift life frowned ills work will I 1 wn I 1 dim jon egtill hll lip ile lil lored on it alleion li I 1 fill in ili n liolion I 1 ilon I lon trem i imd r it i ti oki if if lie he d up lip ill n i to t ills 1114 dutli s in con bitelo tilt hit members im stood us as liy ile en tred tile the hall mid ell vered ilia on in ill ills way i to 0 o ills his pant A year n lie ili sc bcalel M alel to alce i asp to i I 1 till speaker lie hp suddenly adl loul for wilile un id upon lie file floor I 1 the veteran lind had been axi n mortally eliell on in ohp alie fjeld although lie tin to ilis days lie in wai ns not removed 1 from tile capitol tint remained in ili n fit room off fily the die oh old hall nf if till tl house Il ellere lere still tit nt prist post deol alel 1 1114 old and devoted dt otel servant tit his country AM by br jimei jae llo |