Show HIS WELCOME FOR al 91 cowboy would have reversed pro ce edings as recorded in the scriptures judge den 11 II lindsey of tile the famous denver juvenile court sau in thol th course of a recent ad address it ress in charity too many of us are inclined to 0 o think flint one misstep made the lioy boy la is 9 bone one tor for good too many of 0 us are like the cowboy an ali itinerant preacher pre preached prea cheil achel t to a cowboy audience on the Pro prodigal digat son lie ili described the foolish brodl gals eala extravagance o and dissipation he ha described his penury and his husk eating with the swine in ili the sty hj bol described his return tits his fathers lav ing welcome the rejoicing bild tb the pr preparation caration of the fatted batted calf the preacher in hla his dIs discourse coure 11 no ticen a cowboy staring at him very hard ile he thought lie he had a coll coi ver vert t and addressing tho the cowboy p pr pay r sou ally he said from froin the pulpit my dear friend what would yok yoi have dona one if you had had bad a prodigal son returning home like that antell Ale sali eald the cowboy prompts ti and fiercely td id have shot the bo anil and raised the calf detroit arres pre press a |