Show sir WI si z ionic iryma hamp rt at T wadd alii huma V vt 0 t 4 a K ILI ar gua all go up i ipa send scud for R KM free liM lackage kage 1 bog of Poix tille better and more economical than liquid FOR ALL TOILET USES gives give one a sweet breath 1 clean white germfree germ free freo cioth antiseptically clean mouth til and throat till out purifies puri fiet the broth breath after smoking mo dispels di iel at 11 II I 1 perspiration and nd body odors much appreciated precia ted by dainty women A quick remedy for sore jore yes ye and catarrh 3 A little powder w a e r J duy a solved ima ana glass oo 00 of h hot t fiyo makes antu epee 00 0 o cl einung germicidal and healing power and absolutely abiol hium I 1 let try a sample i a large box at druggists drugg irti or by mal THC PAXTON TOILET CO botton bosto MA j W N U salt lake city no 30 1010 17 9 i tt at tor for infanta and children it aiom tho kind I 1 ou hava G always bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT w Mcge table preparation l fl simulating simi simil lating aling the rood beam tho t ting stomachs and bowels cf gam 1 31 promotes die 1 ness and neither of opium morphine nor mineral I 1 NOT OTIC arv i wi af an fn aan sti it Arwa AAn larn LO iv t C A cerfee I 1 remedy for use yi lion don sour stomach diarrhoea PC S C ness and LOSS OF for over m fac Tac facsimile simile signature ol of ilk thirty years C it CENTAUR COMPANY ito lit N EW R if 14 under 1110 food id riga of W copy s va OT AR L E RE A a i is is the turning point P to economy econ orar in in wear and tear of wagons arr a box Every dealer everywhere continental OIL CO what ais ails you hifle do you feel weak tired fired despondent have frequent headaches wipe it i oft off I 1 coated tor tongue igue hitter bitter or bad taste in morning your heartburn heart burn belching belc liing of goi a acid risings in throat after good looking face put on that tha eating cst aai stomach gnaw or burn foul breath dizzy spells good he health smile that CAS poor or variable appetite ppe tite nausea at t chates ind and kindred gd ah symptoms P CARETS ar J S w will ill give you as ai 11 I 1 you may ay number of alie ih ar a result from the cure aire of above symptoms you are suffering from bilious constipation or a torpid livet liver mess torpid liver with willi indigestion or dyspepsia dr Fie fierce rees golden medical discovery is made its so easy do it sm sec up of the iha most valuable abla medicinal principle is 9 known to medi 4 science science for the permanent ato a box for or a awo cure of such abnormal out lituin it i is a most treatment au eleyett ur I 1 la ia the noru bloxam A ZU 0 9 efficient liver invigorator stomach tonic ionic bowel regulator and nj nerve strengthen cro HOWARD E BURTO M AS wa A ZAR AN the golden medical Disco discovery vIrry Is t not a patent medicine or secret ecret nostrum no strum art gid slur 11 I 1 nl 1 1 full liatos lilt of its ingredients blint acin printed on its it bottle wrapper and attested ia MB alao or P r t milun I 1 biad nd lull pric hit unton under oath A glance fiance at t these will show that it contain no elco liol or harmo an pl wk lri lUJ jul ful habit tormina forming druga it Is a fluid extract made with puro pure triple refined tol L glycerine glycerin ei ol of proper strength from the roots root ot of native american me medical oret foret plants worlds horld Vor ld anix abary hi merical edical association Aa props fluff cutalo alo N Y wiy beim ith thompsons Thomp sons eya aatu |