Show Manti Briefs r. r ELEANOR P P. P KJAR Telephone 2931 Easter visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Max Hansen were Mr and Mrs Larry J J. Morley and two children Centerville Mr and Mrs Arthel Zib- Zib Mr and Mrs James E. E Curtis of Magna Mr and Mrs Anton Nielson of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs Gale Stewart Stewart Stewart Stew Stew- art of Kearns Mr and Mrs Archie Nielson of Salt Lake City and Melvin and Lloyd Heath of Sunnyside were all guests at the home of Martha Martha Martha Mar Mar- tha Stewart The group werdin were werd in Manti ManU to attend of funeral of George Anderson On Wednesday evening March Clair a and d Jean of Ogden came cameto cameto cameto to Manti ManU to visit with Mrs l ht's father Lal f LaMont nt Miller On Thursday morning they attended the funeral for Clarin Schofield father of Sheldon Schofield at Spring City Mr Schofield died on Sunday March Marcil Mr and Mrs Leonard Alder Al At- der spent the Easter we weekend kend in Ely Nevada with their son Gail Alder and family Roger Nielson son of Mr and arid Mrs Max Nielson was taken to tl the e Utah Valley Hospital Hospital Hospital Hos Hos- pital Monday fonday night with a fractured elbow suffered when he fell from a tree at his h home m Mond Monday y afternoon n Easter visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry hees were Mr and Mrs taker Stoker S Olsen and family of Ogden Mr and Mrs Douglas Voorhees Voorhees Voorhees hees and family of Bountiful and Mr and Mrs Martin Conover Conover Conover Con- Con over and family of Spring- Spring ville Easter greetings greetings' were also called by telephone from the Don Voorhees' Voorhees in Omaha Nebraska Mr and Mrs Lloyd Chris Chris- were in Salt Lake City last weekend to enjoy the Easter Easter Easter ter holiday ay with Mr and Mrs Clair and fam fam- ily They also visited with Mrs two sisters sisters sisters sis sis- sis sis- while away I Mr and Mrs Kenneth Maasen Mad Mad- Madsen Madsen sen and baby of Ogden visited visited visited visit visit- ed from Friday until Sunday with Mr and Mrs Leonard Madsen 1 Mr and Mrs Morgan Miller and two children of Salt Lake City were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Clement Miller Miller Miller Mil Mil- ler in Manti enjoying a between between between be be- tween quarters vacation at the University of Utah Miss Marilyn Marilyn Marilyn Mar Mar- ilyn Miller also visited with her folks from her studies at atthe atthe atthe the BYU over the weekend Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Tatton Friday and Saturday were Mr and Mrs Albert E. E Harry and family family family fam fam- ily of Logan Sunday they accompanied accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac- ac companied the to Orem where they were present for the naming of a new daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Gray In Orem they visited also with Mr and Mrs Andrew C. C Rowe and with Mr and Mrs Charles Gilgore Mr and Mrs Alvin Carpenter Carpen Carpen- ter were in Manti Wednesday and Thursday of last week to visit with Patriarch and Mrs J. J Hatten Carpenter and other other oth oth- oth- oth er family members from their then home in Berkeley California They had also visited in St. St George with a daughter who is presently attending the Dixie Junior College Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Maylett were Mr and Mrs L. L B. B West West and children Br Brent nt Louise and Brian Mr and Mrs Alfred Alfred Alfred Al Al- fred Link and children Debra and Jeffrey and Mr and Mrs Erick Link all of Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs Paul Simmons and family of Provo were Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Simmons Mrs r rs Gerald Carpenter Carpen re returned returned re- re turned home last Wednesday after visiting several weeks in Bountiful with Mr and Mrs L Lavon von Evelyn Urie Urle and family family fam fam- ily ily Mrs Urie Urfe ha hag had been seriously seriously se se- ill jn n the hospital and and has just peen been released to return return return re re- re- re turn to her home Mrs Gail Earline V Voorhees or hees visited Sunday with her mother Mrs Cleo Christensen Christen en enand and with the trie Henry Voorhees' Voorhees family Mr 11 and Mrs Milton n S. S Harmon viere were honored l last st Sunday March on op the occasion of ot their wedding wedding wed ding anniversary Some 25 family members rs met at the George Harmon home in Brigham Brigham Brigham Brig- Brig ham City for a dinner and ana an a afternoon tern n of visiting Saturday visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs LM L. L M M. Kjar were Mrs Clark Gubler and son Ronald of Orem Mrs Wilford Wint h was in Provo last Friday to attend th the College of Family Living Living- which was held in the Smith Building and was directed by Dean of Family Living Virginia Virginia Virginia Vir Vir- ginia Cutler Some 90 visitors attended the luncheon in connection connection connection con con- with the interesting sessions William and Dixie Anderson w were re Manti ManU visitors for the Easter holiday coming from their home in Salt Lake City They were guests at the R. R C. C Anderson and Que Jones homes Sunday visitors at the home of oft of Mrs Eleanor Kjar were Mr MF and Mrs R. R Dee Hughes and children of N Nephi Mr and Mrs Richard Kjar and children of Gunnison Mr and Mrs Earl Sperry and three daughters of Salt Lake City Mrs Dorothy Blackham and daughters of Moroni and Mr and Mrs R. R Bruce Kjar and two children of Bountiful The latter couple remained to spend several days in Manti ManU Mrs Joyce Dotson and two daughters of Salt Lake City and Mrs JoAnn Tucker and three children of Orem were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Perry Eliason last weekend Visitors at the M. M D. D Anderson Anderson Anderson An An- derson home this week have been Mr Andersons Anderson's sister Mrs Hazel Bigler and her daughter Darlene Williams of Salt Lake City Mrs Calvin Keller visited last weekend in Salt Lake City with her children and their families Mrs MIs Verda Barton and Mr and Mrs Robert Barton and children spent the Easter weekend in Salt Lake City visiting with relatives Visiting Mrs Mae S. S Graham last weekend were a daughter daugh daugh- ter Nora Mae Graham Salt Lake City and two grandchildren dren Susan and Douglas of Bountiful Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Alvin Anderson Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- and Sunday were friends of Barry Anderson from Deep Run North Carolina Carolina Caro Caro- lina Tina and Mr and Mrs Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynnwood Lynn- Lynn wood Barwick and two children children children chil chil- dren Chris and Missy The couple had attended a temple session in Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs Robert Jones Jones' and family of West Jordan visited with Mr and Mrs Robert Davis for the Easter holiday Mr and Mrs Dale Peterson and children of Cedar City visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Ivan A A. Peterson over the Easter weekend Mr and Mrs Bert Carpenter Carpen Carpen- ter of Salt Lake City spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Edwin S. S p Cai-p Carpenter Recent visitors at the home hom-e of Mr and Mrs 1 Orson Manwill Manwill Manwill Man- Man will were Mrs Erma Christensen Christen Christen- sen sen and son on of Clearfield Mr and Mrs Charles Manwill and children of Sand Sandy Mr and Mrs Hal Manwill and son of Idaho Falls The latter two couples visited also alao with relatives relatives' relatives relatives relatives' rela rela- tives tives' in Fayette Fayette- and Centerfield Centerfield Centerfield Center- Center field respectively Mrs Mary J J. J Peterson was entertained at a birthday dinner dinner din din- ner nex Sunday 1 March at atthe atthe atthe the home of Mr and Mrs Alvin Alvin Alvin Al Al- vin Barlow of Centerfield ld Some 33 family members were present for the happy occa occa- sf sion ri In Included lt ded in the group group were Mr and Mrs Gene ne Peterson Peterson Peterson Pe Pe- Pe- Pe terson and family of Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs Albert Peterson Peterson Peterson Pe Pe- terson and family of Sandy Mr and Mrs Lee of Kearns Mr and Mrs Carl Peterson Peterson Peterson Pe Pe- terson and nd family and Paul Peterson Peterson Pe Peterson Pe- Pe terson and son of Manti 1 The Albert Pet Petersons were here to spend the weekend with Mrs P Peterson terson and with Mrs J. J R. R Nielson The Gene Petersons also spent the holiday holiday holiday holi holi- day weekend in Manti ManU C. C G. G Braithwaite was taken to the Sanpete Hospital o Monday where he is recuperating recuperating recuperating from a kidney infection infection infection tion Mr and Mrs Martin E. E Turner Turner Turner Tur Tur- ner of Salt Lake City were Easter visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Larry Stahle Stable They are parents of Mrs Stahle Stable |